The meek shall inherit the earth.


# The Power of Meekness:

Inheriting the Earth!

## Introduction.

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be meek? The concept of meekness may often be misunderstood as weakness, but in reality, it holds a power that is unparalleled. In the words of Matthew 5:5, "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." This statement holds profound wisdom that we can all benefit from understanding.

Join me on a journey as we delve into the True Gospel, explore the responsibility of bringing heaven to earth, uncover the characteristics of the meek, discuss the consequences of debt, highlight the importance of stewardship, and reflect on trustworthiness and inheritance. Together, let's explore the timeless truth that the meek shall indeed inherit the earth.

## Understanding the True Gospel.

As we embark on our journey to understand the True Gospel, it is essential to grasp the core message of preaching about the kingdom of God coming to earth. This belief encompasses both the present reality and the future promise of a heavenly existence.

Just like Adam and Eve were tasked with managing the Garden of Eden on behalf of the Lord, we are called to bring heaven to earth in our designated areas of responsibility. Through this act, we allow the Lord to expand and increase our influence, creating a tangible impact on the world around us.

### The Role of Meekness in Fulfilling the True Gospel.

In Matthew 5:5, we are reminded of the blessedness of the meek, who shall inherit the earth. Contrary to widespread belief, meekness is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of strength under control. It involves submitting ourselves to God's will, following His guidance, and exemplifying gentleness towards others.

Meek individuals are pliable, teachable, and humble in their approach, embodying the essence of true discipleship. By cultivating a spirit of meekness, we align ourselves with God's purpose and prepare to inherit the promises He has in store for us.

### The Pitfalls of Debt and the Importance of Stewardship.

One of the key obstacles in fulfilling our responsibility of bringing heaven to earth is the burden of debt. Debt is often a consequence of undisciplined living, where expenses exceed income, leading to a cycle of borrowing and servitude to lenders. In contrast, meekness calls for financial restraint and wise stewardship of resources.

By living within our means and prioritizing financial discipline, we position ourselves to be trusted with greater responsibilities and blessings. As stewards of God's provisions, we are called to manage our resources wisely, ensuring sustainability and abundance for ourselves and future generations.

### Trustworthiness and the Promise of Inheritance.

In Luke 16:10, we are reminded that faithfulness in small matters leads to greater trust and responsibility. As we demonstrate trustworthiness in our daily lives, we open ourselves up to divine favour and opportunities for advancement. Just as the master rewarded his faithful servant in Luke 19:17 with the governance of cities, our faithfulness in stewardship and meekness paves the way for a rich inheritance.

The promise of inheriting the earth is not just a distant hope but a present reality for those who walk in obedience, humility, and trust in the Lord. Let us embrace the call to meekness, stewardship, and trustworthiness, knowing that our inheritance awaits us as we fulfil the True Gospel on earth.

## Responsibility of Bringing Heaven to Earth.

As we journey through life, one of the tasks we are entrusted with as believers is to bring a taste of heaven to earth in the areas, we have been given responsibility for. Just as Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden (metron) to manage it on behalf of the Lord, we are called to steward our own 'gardens' - whether it be our families, careers, relationships, or communities. This responsibility is not to be taken lightly, as the Lord desires to increase and bless the areas we faithfully oversee.

In this grand task of bringing heaven to earth, we are called to embody certain characteristics that mirror the nature of Christ Himself. We are to be strong, not in our own might, but in the power of God working within us. This strength enables us to overcome obstacles, stand firm against opposition, and resist temptation.

Additionally, we are to exhibit stability, emotional resilience, and longevity in our endeavour's, allowing us to inherit the promises of God. Submissive to God's will, we refrain from asserting our own power for the benefit of others, displaying a humble and teachable spirit.

Moreover, a crucial aspect of fulfilling our responsibility of bringing heaven to earth is practicing good stewardship in all aspects of our lives. By managing our resources wisely, being disciplined in our spending habits, and living within our means, we demonstrate trustworthiness and faithful stewardship.

This includes refraining from falling into the trap of debt, which enslaves us to lenders and hinders our ability to freely serve the Lord and others. As we cultivate a heart of contentment and delight in the Lord, He promises to fulfil the desires of our hearts and lead us into a life of abundance and blessing.

## Characteristics of the Meek.

In exploring the characteristics of the meek, we uncover a profound understanding of what it means to embody true strength. The meek are not weak or timid but possess a quiet power that comes from their submission to God and His will. They follow His guidance with a gentle spirit, remaining teachable and adaptable in all circumstances.

1. **Strength in Meekness**: The meek are not easily shaken by opposition or temptation. Instead, they stand firm in their faith and overcome challenges with resilience. Their inner strength comes from a deep trust in God's plan and a willingness to surrender their own desires for the greater good.

2. **Emotional Stability**: Meek individuals exhibit emotional strength that is tested and proven over time. They do not react impulsively to situations but approach them with a calm and steady demeanour. This stability allows them to navigate life's difficulties with grace and endurance.

3. **Submissiveness with Purpose**: While the meek may have the power to assert themselves, they choose to refrain for the benefit of others. Their submissive nature is not a sign of weakness but a deliberate choice to prioritize harmony and unity in relationships. They lead by example, showing humility and respect to those around them.

4. **Self-Discipline and Stewardship**: Meekness is also reflected in a lifestyle of self-discipline and responsible stewardship. These individuals manage their resources wisely, ensuring that their expenditures do not exceed their income. By living within their means, they avoid the trap of debt and slavery to lenders, embodying the principles of good stewardship.

## The Consequence of Debt.

Debt is often seen as a burdensome weight that many individuals carry in their lives. It is a consequence of a lifestyle that lacks discipline and control, leading to a cycle of borrowing and repayment. **This cycle can enslave individuals to their lenders, limiting their financial freedom and causing stress and anxiety. **

Proverbs 22:7 reminds us that "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." When we live beyond our means and rely on debt to sustain our lifestyle, we relinquish our autonomy and become bound to financial obligations.

Meekness, on the other hand, involves restraining one's expenditure to be less than their income. This practice ensures that there is always a buffer in place, allowing individuals to navigate unforeseen expenses without resorting to borrowing.

**By practicing financial discipline and living within our means, we cultivate a spirit of meekness that empowers us to handle financial challenges with grace and resilience. ** The meek understand the importance of being good stewards of their resources, ensuring that they do not fall into the trap of debt and financial bondage.

In a world that glorifies material wealth and instant gratification, the concept of meekness may seem outdated or overlooked. However, the timeless wisdom found in Psalm 37:4 reminds us that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will fulfil the desires of our hearts.

**Choosing a lifestyle of meekness and stewardship opens the door to experiencing God's provision and abundance in our lives, free from the shackles of debt and financial insecurity. ** As we align our financial practices with biblical principles, we position ourselves to receive blessings beyond measure and step into our inheritance as heirs of the earth.

Ultimately, the consequence of debt extends beyond financial strain; it impacts our spiritual and emotional well-being. **Living a life free from the burden of debt allows us to experience true freedom and abundance, walking in the path of meekness and trustworthiness. **

By embracing the virtues of financial discipline, stewardship, and meekness, we can break free from the chains of debt and step into the promise of inheriting the earth as faithful stewards of God's blessings.

## Importance of Stewardship.

Stewardship is a concept that often goes hand in hand with meekness. It involves responsibly managing the resources and responsibilities that have been entrusted to us. Just as Adam and Eve were given the task of managing the Garden of Eden, we, too, have areas in our lives where we are called to be good stewards.

This includes our finances, time, talents, and relationships. By being good stewards, we show our trustworthiness and faithfulness in handling what has been given to us.

### Managing Projects and Properties for Others.

Effective stewardship means being able to successfully manage projects and properties for the benefit of others. This requires a mindset of selflessness and a willingness to put the needs of others above our own desires. Whether it's managing a business, leading a team, or caring for a community, being a good steward involves making decisions that benefit the greater good and contribute to the well-being of those around us.

### Contentment and Delighting in the Lord.

Stewardship is also closely tied to contentment and finding joy in the Lord. Psalm 37:4 reminds us that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts. This means finding satisfaction in our relationship with God and trusting Him to provide for our needs. Contentment allows us to be free from the love of money and material possessions, focusing instead on what truly matters in the kingdom of God.

### Restraint in Expenditure and Debt.

One crucial aspect of stewardship is practicing restraint in our expenditure and avoiding debt. Living within our means and not being enslaved to lenders allows us to maintain financial stability and independence. Proverbs 22:7 warns that the borrower becomes servant to the lender, highlighting the importance of financial discipline and self-control. By practicing meekness in our financial decisions, we set ourselves up for long-term success and security.

### Trustworthiness and Inheritance.

Being a good steward also involves building trust through our actions and decisions. Luke 16:10 emphasizes that those who prove themselves trustworthy with little will be entrusted with much. In the parable of the talents in Luke 19:17, the servant who was faithful in a small matter was rewarded with greater responsibility. By demonstrating trustworthiness in all aspects of our lives, we pave the way for inheriting blessings and opportunities beyond measure.

## Trustworthiness and Inheritance.

As we wrap up our exploration of the profound truth that "the meek shall inherit the earth," it is crucial to touch on the importance of trustworthiness and inheritance. Trustworthiness is a quality that is highly valued in all aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavours.

When we are trustworthy, we build strong foundations of trust with those around us, leading to mutual respect and cooperation. In the context of inheritance, trustworthiness plays a vital role in ensuring that we are responsible stewards of the blessings we receive.

By honouring our commitments and being reliable in our actions, we can preserve and pass on our inheritance to future generations.

In conclusion, the concept of meekness is not one of weakness, but of inner strength and humility. By embodying the characteristics of the meek, taking on the responsibility of bringing heaven to earth, and practicing good stewardship and trustworthiness, we can truly inherit the earth in the most meaningful sense.

Let us strive to be meek in our actions, humble in our approach, and trustworthy in our dealings, knowing that the greatest inheritance we can leave behind is a world filled with love, compassion, and harmony. Together, let us embrace the timeless wisdom that the meek shall indeed inherit the earth.

## FAQ

### What does it mean to be meek?

Being meek is not about being weak, but about possessing a quiet strength and humility. It is about having control over one's emotions and actions, without the need to dominate or control others.

### What is the True Gospel?

The True Gospel is the message of love, compassion, and forgiveness that Jesus preached.

There are 2 Kingdoms in the spirit realm, the Kingdom of Darkness which is ruled by Satan, and the Kingdom of Light which is ruled by Jesus.

Every human is born into the Kingdom of Darkness because of the sin of Adam and Eve, except Jesus Christ, who had a miraculous birth.

The only way of leaving the Kingdom of Darkness is to renounce Satan as your King and ask Jesus to be your new King, and you agree to obey everything that Jesus asks of you.

If you have not done this, then you are still in the Kingdom of Darkness and Satan is still your King.

It is a call to live a life of obedience to God and service to others, to be peacemakers, and to strive for justice and righteousness.

### How can we bring heaven to earth?

We can bring heaven to earth by living out the values of the True Gospel. This means binding the demonic spirits, so they are unable to rule, inviting God's angels to come and administer His Kingdom and for us to be practicing kindness, humility, and compassion in our daily interactions with others, and working towards creating a more just and equitable society.

### What are the characteristics of the meek?

The meek are gentle, humble, and patient. They are quick to listen and slow to anger, and they seek to bring peace and harmony to their relationships and surroundings. They are strong and self-controlled in all aspects of their life.

### Why is stewardship important?

Stewardship is important because it reminds us that we are all caretakers of the earth and its resources. It calls us to be responsible and mindful in how we use and manage these resources, ensuring that future generations can also benefit from them. We learn how to bring God's will into this present age and manage His estates.

### How does trustworthiness relate to inheritance?

Trustworthiness is essential when it comes to inheritance, as it ensures that we are responsible and reliable in passing on our blessings and resources to future generations. By being trustworthy, we can secure a positive legacy for those who come after us.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network