How to separate the Holy and Profane?


# Embracing the Sacred:

The Power of Separating the Holy from the Profane.

## Introduction.

In our fast-paced, often chaotic world, the line between the holy and the profane seems increasingly blurred. As we navigate through our daily lives, bombarded by an array of distractions, the sacred often gets lost amidst the noise. Yet, the call to separate the holy from the profane is more crucial now than ever, serving not just as a spiritual mandate but as a pathway to a more focused, meaningful life.

In this blog post, we will embark on a journey together to rediscover this distinction, exploring the profound implications it holds for our relationship with God, our stewardship of His blessings, and the way we live out our faith in the world.

Let us take this step, drawing closer to the heart of what it means to live a life consecrated to God, and uncover the beauty and fulfilment that comes from honouring the sacred in our midst.

## Understanding the Difference Between the Holy and the Profane.

At its core, the distinction between the holy and the profane centres on God's nature and the way we are called to reflect it in the world. The holy—rooted in words like 'sanctify,' 'consecrate,' and 'devote'—encompasses all that is set apart for God, dedicated to His purposes, and reflective of His character. It is about recognizing the sacredness in our relationship with God, the lifestyle we are called to, and the worship we offer.

Conversely, the profane—characterized by defilement, commonness, and desecration—represents everything that diminishes, ignores, or outright challenges God's rightful place in our lives. It is about crossing boundaries meant to protect our relationship with the Divine, treating what is sacred as ordinary, and neglecting the reverence due to God.

## Consecration and Devotion to God.

Consecrating ourselves to God is an invitation to enter a deeper relationship with Him, to dedicate every aspect of our lives to His service and glory. It is a commitment that mirrors the Israelites' preparation before entering the Promised Land—a symbolic act of leaving behind the shame and chains of past failures, stepping into a future marked by freedom and abundance in God's presence.

## The Consequences of Profaning the Holy.

The Scriptures vividly depict the dire consequences of failing to honour the holy. From the loss experienced by the Israelites due to Achan's disobedience to the polluted offerings condemned by Malachi, history is replete with examples of how disregarding God's commands leads to spiritual and material impoverishment. It is a sobering reminder that our actions and attitudes toward the sacred have far-reaching implications.

## Stewardship and Financial Boundaries.

Our approach to finances offers a tangible arena to practice separating the holy from the profane. By recognizing tithes as holy unto the Lord and treating our offerings with reverence, we step into a relationship of trust with God. Establishing financial boundaries and committing to stewardship is not just about managing resources but about entering a partnership with the Divine, where our material blessings serve a higher purpose.

## Practical Steps to Separate the Holy and the Profane.

Separating the holy from the profane involves intentional choices and practices. It starts with a prayerful examination of our hearts and lives, seeking to align our values, priorities, and actions with God's will. From the way we manage our resources to the respect and reverence we show for God's presence and commands, every aspect of our lives is an opportunity to honour the distinction between the sacred and the commonplace.

## Prayer for Grace and Guidance.

Lord, as we seek to discern and honour the holy in our lives, we ask for your grace and guidance. Help us to recognize the sacred amidst the ordinary, to dedicate ourselves fully to your service, and to live out our faith with integrity and devotion. May our lives reflect the beauty of your holiness, drawing others closer to you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Join us on this journey of rediscovery, embracing the call to consecrate ourselves and our lives to God's purposes. Together, let us explore the transformative power of separating the holy from the profane, and find the deeper fulfilment and purpose God has in store for us.

## Understanding the Difference Between the Holy and the Profane.

### Recognizing the Sacred.

At the heart of our spiritual journey lies the imperative to discern the sacred from the ordinary. The holy, encapsulated in such rich terms as 'sanctify,' 'consecrate,' and 'devote,' beckons us to a life set apart for God's glory. It is about seeing our relationship with the Divine not just as a part of our lives, but as the essence of our existence.

When we commit to living a sanctified life, we embark on a path that mirrors God's purity and love, manifesting His character in our actions and decisions. This commitment challenges us to look beyond the mundane, urging us to find and reflect the divine spark in every moment.

### The Lure of the Profane.

In stark contrast, the profane, characterized by actions and attitudes of defilement and desecration, pulls us away from this sacred calling. It signifies a life lived without regard for the divine boundaries set by God, treating the extraordinary gifts of God as mere commodities.

The profane is marked by a casualness toward the sacred, a willingness to cross lines that were meant to protect and preserve our connection with God. This mindset not only diminishes our reverence for the Divine but also leads us into a state of spiritual disarray, where the lines between right and wrong, sacred, and secular, become dangerously blurred.

### The Call to Separation.

Understanding the difference between the holy and the profane requires more than intellectual assent; it demands a deliberate separation. This separation is not about physical distance but about a spiritual distinction that affects every aspect of our lives.

It means choosing to live by values that may not align with mainstream culture, opting for a lifestyle that prioritizes God's will above personal convenience or societal norms. This distinction challenges us to live in the world but not of it, to use our time, talents, and treasures in ways that honour God's holiness rather than conforming to the profane patterns of this age.

### Embracing the Sacred in Everyday Life.

The journey towards separating the holy from the profane is both challenging and rewarding. It invites us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with God, where every aspect of our lives becomes an act of worship.

By embracing the sacred, we allow God's holiness to permeate our thoughts, actions, and interactions, transforming not only ourselves but also the world around us. The call to live a consecrated life is an invitation to experience the fullness of God's presence and to bear witness to the transformative power of His love in our everyday lives.

Through this commitment, we not only honour God but also discover the profound joy and peace that come from aligning our lives with His eternal purposes.

## Consecration and Devotion to God.

Consecrating ourselves to God is not merely a one-time act; it is a continuous journey of aligning our hearts, minds, and lives with His divine purpose. It means laying down our own desires and ambitions at His feet, and embracing the path He has laid out for us.

This commitment mirrors the Israelites' circumcision before entering the Promised Land, symbolizing a cutting away of the past and stepping into a future marked by God's blessing and abundance. It is a profound act of faith, acknowledging God's sovereignty in every aspect of our lives—be it our relationships, our work, or our personal growth.

- **Daily Prayer**:   Begin each day with a prayer of consecration, offering your day and all it contains to God. Ask for His guidance, strength, and wisdom to navigate the day in a manner that honours Him.

- **Scripture Meditation**: Immerse yourself in God's Word regularly. Let the Scriptures shape your understanding of what it means to live a consecrated life. Use the Bible as a mirror to reflect on your life and align it more closely with God's will.

- **Intentional Worship**: Make worship a lifestyle. Beyond singing songs, let every action and decision reflect a heart devoted to God. Whether you are at work, at home, or in community with others, strive to live in a way that brings glory to God.

Consecration and devotion to God are about making Him the central focus of our lives. It is recognizing that everything we have and are, is a gift from Him, meant to be used for His glory. This sacred dedication requires not only a moment of commitment but a lifetime of deliberate choices and actions.

It is about saying "yes" to God every day, in every situation, trusting that He will lead us into a life of significance and fulfilment. By choosing to consecrate ourselves to God, we step into a dynamic relationship with the Creator of the universe, inviting His presence into every aspect of our lives and allowing Him to mold us into the image of His Son, Jesus.

## The Consequences of Profaning the Holy.

Profaning the holy is not a matter to be taken lightly. In Scripture, we see repeatedly how such actions lead to dire consequences, not just for individuals but for entire communities. The story of Achan in Joshua 7 is a poignant example. His sin of taking spoils dedicated to the Lord resulted in defeat for the Israelites against Ai, highlighting how one person's disregard for what is holy can bring about communal suffering. This narrative serves as a stark reminder that our actions toward the sacred profoundly impact the collective well-being of our faith communities.

1. **Loss of Divine Favour**: When we treat what is holy as common, we risk losing the favour and blessing of God. Just as the Israelites faced defeat because of Achan's sin, our communities can suffer spiritual and material setbacks when we fail to honour God's commands and the sanctity of His provisions.

2. **Spiritual Barrenness**: Profaning the holy can lead to a state of spiritual barrenness, where our connection to God feels distant or non-existent. This condition arises from treating the sacred—our relationship with God, His commands, and the blessings He bestows upon us—with casual indifference or outright contempt.

3. **Broken Relationships**: The disregard for the holy often extends beyond our relationship with God, affecting our connections with others. When we fail to see the sacred in our relationships, treating them as common or disposable, we undermine the foundational principles of love, respect, and commitment that God calls us to uphold.

4. **Missed Opportunities for Growth**: Each moment we choose to honour the sacred is an opportunity for spiritual growth and deeper intimacy with God. Conversely, when we profane what is holy, we miss these transformative experiences, stunting our spiritual development and hindering our journey toward becoming more like Christ.

The consequences of profaning the holy serve as a sobering call to mindfulness and reverence in our daily lives. They remind us of the gravity of our choices and the ripple effects they have on our world. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us be vigilant in distinguishing between the holy and the profane, ensuring that our actions reflect a deep respect for the sacred and a commitment to uphold its value in every aspect of our existence.

## Stewardship and Financial Boundaries.

In our journey to honour the sacred, **our approach to finances serves as a critical testing ground for our commitment to separating the holy from the profane**. Stewardship of our financial resources is not merely about prudent management but reflects a deeper act of devotion to God.

It is about seeing every pound as a trust from God, a tool to further His kingdom. When we tithe, recognizing those funds as holy unto the Lord, we express our trust in Him, acknowledging His provision in our lives. This act of faith sets the stage for a life marked not by scarcity, but by abundance and generosity.

**Establishing financial boundaries is a tangible expression of our reverence for God. ** It is saying to Him, "I trust you with my needs and desires." This involves coming into agreement with the Lord about our needs and faithfully managing any surplus as stewards of His resources.

By doing so, we honour the holy in our finances, ensuring that our material blessings serve God's purposes rather than our selfish desires. This mindset shifts our focus from accumulating wealth for its own sake to viewing our resources as tools for blessing others and advancing the kingdom of God.

Our financial practices can either draw us closer to God or drive a wedge between us. When we choose to honour Him with our tithes and offerings, we do more than fulfil a duty; **we open our hearts to a relationship of deeper trust and dependence on God. ** Mismanagement of our finances, on the other hand, reflects a profaning of what is meant to be holy.

It signals a lack of faith in God's provision and a failure to recognize the sacredness of the resources He entrusts to us. Therefore, being faithful in the trivial things, like our finances, prepares us for greater responsibilities and blessings.

**Let us ask for discernment in distinguishing between needs and wants, and the wisdom to manage the overflow with integrity. ** In doing so, we honour God not just with our words, but with our actions and choices. This commitment to financial stewardship is a powerful way to live out our faith, demonstrating our trust in God's provision and our dedication to His glory.

As we navigate the complexities of our financial lives, let us remember that in every decision, we can honour the holy, to consecrate our resources to God, and to live out the sacred calling He has placed on our lives.

## Practical Steps to Separate the Holy and the Profane.

### Reflect and Repent.

The first step towards separating the holy from the profane begins within. It requires us to pause, reflect, and earnestly evaluate our hearts and actions. Are we blurring the lines between what is sacred and what is common in our daily lives?

This introspection might reveal uncomfortable truths about how we have allowed the profane to encroach upon the holy. Repentance is key.

It is about turning away from practices that defile the sacred and seeking forgiveness. This step is not just about acknowledging wrongdoing; it is about a heartfelt desire to change, to align more closely with God's holiness in every aspect of our lives.

### Establish Sacred Spaces.

In our homes and in our lives, creating physical and temporal spaces dedicated to God can help us maintain the distinction between the holy and the profane. This could be as simple as setting aside a quiet corner for prayer and meditation or establishing specific times for reading Scripture and spiritual reflection.

These sacred spaces serve as constant reminders of God's presence and the reverence He deserves. They provide a sanctuary from the profane distractions of the world, allowing us to focus on nurturing our relationship with the Divine.

### Guard Your Gates.

The information we consume and the conversations we engage in have the power to influence our perception of what is holy and what is not. Guarding the gates of our hearts and minds means being vigilant about the media we consume, the books we read, and the discussions we partake in.

It is about choosing content that edifies and strengthens our spiritual walk rather than that which desecrates our understanding of the holy. This vigilance extends to our interactions—fostering relationships that encourage spiritual growth and avoiding those that lead us away from our sacred commitments.

### Practice Stewardship.

True separation between the holy and the profane manifests in how we manage the resources God has entrusted to us. Practicing stewardship is about recognizing everything we have as gifts from God, to be used for His glory and purposes.

This involves making wise and prayerful decisions about our finances, time, and talents, ensuring they are devoted to serving God and furthering His kingdom. It is about adopting a mindset where we are not merely owners but caretakers of God's blessings, dedicated to using them in ways that honour the sacred.

### Engage in Community and Accountability.

Walking the path of separating the holy from the profane was never meant to be a solitary journey. Engagement in a community of faith provides support, encouragement, and accountability as we strive to live out our sacred commitments.

Sharing our struggles and victories with others who are also on this journey can uplift and inspire us to stay the course. Additionally, accountability partners can help us remain vigilant, offering wise counsel and reminders when we are at risk of conflating the holy with the profane. Together, in community, we can grow stronger in our pursuit of a life that honours and reflects God's holiness.

Through these practical steps, we embark on a transformative journey. It is a path that demands dedication and intentionality but promises a deeper connection with the Divine and a life that truly honours the sacred.

Let us embrace this calling with open hearts, ready to see the beauty and fulfilment that comes from distinguishing and upholding the holy in our lives.

## Prayer for Grace and Guidance.

In our journey together through this exploration of what it means to separate the holy from the profane, we have embarked on a path that beckons us closer to the essence of a life fully consecrated to God. We have delved into the profound differences between what is sacred and what is not, recognizing the importance of consecration and devotion in our relationship with the Divine.

We have acknowledged the stark consequences that follow when we fail to honour the holy, understanding that our approach to stewardship—especially in the realm of finances—can serve as a practical testament to our commitment to God's sovereignty in our lives.

As we reflect on the practical steps, we can take to honour the sacred in our daily lives, let us remember that this journey requires ongoing intentionality, a heart open to God's guidance, and a willingness to submit every aspect of our existence to His will.

It is about making choices that align with God's desires, ensuring that our actions, our resources, and our attention glorify Him more than anything else.

In closing, our prayer for grace and guidance seeks not just assistance for ourselves but also serves as a beacon of hope and an invitation for others to join us in this transformative endeavour.

Let us carry forward the lessons we have learned, the commitments we have made, and the insights we have gained, with the aim of living lives that not only distinguish between the holy and the profane but also inspire those around us to seek a deeper connection with God.

Together, as we continue to navigate the challenges and distractions of our world, let us remain steadfast in our quest to honour the sacred, always mindful of the call to consecrate ourselves and our lives to God's purposes.

May a renewed commitment mark our journey to live out our faith with integrity, devotion, and a profound sense of stewardship over the blessings entrusted to us. In doing so, we not only draw closer to God but also create ripples of transformation that impact our communities and the world at large.

## FAQ

### FAQ: Separating the Holy and the Profane.

**1. What does it mean to separate the holy from the profane? **

Separating the holy from the profane involves recognizing and honouring the distinction between what is sacred, dedicated to God and His purposes, and what is common or desecrating, which diminishes God's rightful place in our lives. It is about living in a way that reflects God's holiness and reverence for His commands.

**2. Why is it important to make this distinction? **

Making this distinction is crucial for deepening our relationship with God, living out our faith authentically, and finding true fulfilment. It helps us to live a life that is consecrated to God, ensuring our actions and attitudes align with His will, and protects the sacredness of our relationship with Him.

**3. How can I consecrate myself to God? **

Consecrating yourself to God involves dedicating every aspect of your life to His service and glory. This means leaving behind past failures, embracing a future filled with God's presence and abundance, and committing to live according to His purpose and commands.

**4. What are the consequences of profaning the holy? **

Scripture shows that disregarding God's commands and treating the sacred as ordinary leads to spiritual and material impoverishment. It is a reminder that our attitude towards the sacred has profound implications for our relationship with God and our overall well-being.

**5. How does stewardship play a role in separating the holy from the profane? **

Stewardship, especially in terms of finances, is a practical way to honour the holy. By treating tithes as sacred and managing our resources with reverence and trust in God, we demonstrate our commitment to honouring God's lordship over every aspect of our lives.

**6. What are some practical steps I can take to honour the distinction between the holy and the profane? **

To honour this distinction, start with a prayerful examination of your life, seeking to align your values, priorities, and actions with God's will. Respect and reverence for God's presence, commands, and the management of your resources are key practices. Living out your faith with integrity in every aspect of your life is essential.

**7. How can I ask for God's help in this endeavour? **

A heartfelt prayer for grace and guidance is a powerful start. Ask God to help you recognize the sacred amidst the ordinary, to fully dedicate yourself to His service, and to live your faith with devotion. Seeking God's assistance is a step towards living a life that reflects His holiness. 

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

APC Fenton

Apostolic Prophetic Training network