Faith comes by hearing.


# Listening with the Soul:

Cultivating Faith Through Divine Whispers.

## Developing a Receptive Heart.

In our journey of faith, we often encounter moments where the divine seems distant, and the whispers of guidance faint. Yet, the essence of our spiritual growth lies in a simple, profound truth: faith comes by hearing. This realization beckons us to explore deeper, to understand the multifaceted process of hearing God's voice.

It's not merely about the act of listening but about cultivating a heart attuned to the divine frequency. Let us embark on this transformative journey together, where we unravel the layers of developing a receptive heart, understanding the pivotal role of faith in hearing, and navigating through the challenges that may arise.

## Developing a Receptive Heart.

The foundation of hearing God's voice begins with a heart that is open and ready to receive. Just as the soil must be fertile for the seed to take root and flourish, our hearts must be prepared to embrace the whispers of divine guidance. This preparation involves a deliberate effort to quiet our minds and focus our spirits on the presence of the Holy Spirit.

It's about creating moments of silence in the cacophony of our daily lives, moments where we can truly say, "Here I am, Lord, speak, for your servant is listening."

In our pursuit, we find the importance of prayer not just as a petition but as a posture of receptiveness. "Father God, grant us a heart that desires your presence above all other things," becomes a prayer that aligns our desires with His will, paving the way for a deeper communion with the divine.

## The Role of Faith in Hearing.

Faith is the bridge that connects our hearts to the voice of God. It is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. When we approach God with faith, we open ourselves to the possibility of hearing Him in ways we might not expect. Faith empowers us to discern His voice amidst the noise of the world and to trust in His guidance even when the path ahead seems unclear.

It is through faith that we understand every command from God comes with the grace to obey it. When we are instructed to hear Him, it is faith that enables us to tune into His frequency, believing that He speaks to us not just to inform but to transform.

## The Importance of Understanding Spiritual Revelation.

Spiritual revelation is the unveiling of divine truths, a sacred encounter that enlightens our understanding and deepens our connection with God. Recognizing and embracing these moments of revelation require an openness to the mystery of the divine. It is a journey of learning to trust the Holy Spirit as our teacher, guiding us into all truth.

As we delve into the scriptures, we find that revelation often comes with responsibility—the call to act on what we have heard. It challenges us to move beyond mere listeners to become doers of the word, embodying the teachings and truths revealed to us.

## Opposition and Spiritual Warfare in Hearing.

As we advance in our spiritual journey, it is inevitable that we will encounter opposition. The principle of "new level, new devil" reminds us that with every step closer to God, challenges will arise to test our faith and determination. It is in these moments that our commitment to hearing God's voice is crucial, providing us with the strength to overcome.

Spiritual warfare requires spiritual weapons, and one of the most powerful tools at our disposal is the word of God. It is the sword of the Spirit, capable of cutting through deception and doubt, fortifying our hearts against the attacks of the enemy.

## Creating an Environment for Hearing God's Voice.

To hear God's voice, we must be intentional about creating an environment conducive to spiritual attentiveness. This involves setting aside time for prayer and meditation, immersing ourselves in the scriptures, and fostering a community of believers who encourage and support our spiritual growth.

Just as Jesus often withdrew to solitary places to pray, we too must find our place of quiet retreat, away from the distractions of the world, where we can earnestly seek His face and listen for His voice.

## Recognizing and Discerning God's Voice.

The journey to recognizing God's voice is one of practice and persistence. It involves developing a spiritual sensitivity that can distinguish His voice from the myriads of others vying for our attention. This discernment is cultivated through a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus, where His word becomes the standard against which all other voices are measured.

As we grow in our ability to recognize His voice, we also learn to trust in its guidance, finding confidence in the assurance that He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

## Practical Steps for Cultivating Faith through Hearing.

Cultivating faith through hearing is a dynamic process that requires both divine grace and human effort. It starts with a sincere desire to know God more deeply and a commitment to pursue Him relentlessly. It involves studying the scriptures, engaging in prayer, and seeking fellowship with other believers.

Moreover, it requires a willingness to step out in faith, to act on.

## The Role of Faith in Hearing.

### Unveiling the Power of Belief.

In our spiritual odyssey, faith is the compass that guides us through the uncharted territories of God's whispers. It's not just about believing that God exists, but believing that He is actively speaking to us, longing for a relationship that transcends the mundane.

This belief is not baseless; it is rooted in the conviction of things not seen, a trust in the character of God, and a reliance on His promises. Our faith acts as the receptor for God's frequency, tuning us into the divine wavelength where His voice becomes clear and undeniable.

### The Dynamics of Trust and Obedience.

Hearing God is an act of faith, but what follows is equally important, obedience. It's one thing to hear God's voice, but another to act upon what He says. This is where faith transforms from a passive state of belief to an active expression of trust.

Faith propels us into action, even when the path is foggy and the outcome uncertain. It's a declaration that our trust in God supersedes our understanding of the situation. This dynamic interplay between trust and obedience fosters a deeper, more intimate relationship with God, as we learn to rely on His guidance in every aspect of our lives.

### Overcoming the Noise with Faith.

In the cacophony of our daily lives, numerous voices vie for our attention—social media, the news, our own thoughts, and fears. The challenge then becomes not just hearing God's voice but distinguishing it from the noise.

Faith is crucial in this process; it's the filter through which we discern what is of God and what is not. It reminds us that God's voice is often a gentle whisper, not a clamorous shout. Our faith assures us that even when God seems silent, He is still speaking, guiding us through His Word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

### Cultivating a Heart that Hears.

At the heart of our journey to hear God is the cultivation of a faith that listens—a faith that anticipates divine encounters in the sacred and the mundane. This cultivation is both a divine gift and a personal responsibility. We are called to nurture our faith through prayer, scripture reading, and fellowship with other believers, creating a fertile ground for God's voice to take root in our hearts. As we invest in our relationship with God, our faith grows, and our spiritual ears become attuned to the nuances of His voice, transforming every moment into an opportunity to hear from the Creator of the universe.

In embracing the role of faith in hearing, we open ourselves to a world where divine whispers guide our steps, where faith is not just a concept but a lived experience. Let us journey together, nurturing a faith that hears, for in the quiet whispers of God, we find the strength, guidance, and peace we so deeply crave.

## The Importance of Understanding Spiritual Revelation.

Spiritual revelation is the heartbeat of our journey with God. It's the moment when the divine touches the mundane, when eternal truths are whispered into the temporal struggles of our daily lives. Understanding spiritual revelation is not about acquiring more knowledge for the sake of it; rather, it's about allowing these divine unveilings to transform us from the inside out.

It's about the Word becoming flesh in our own lives, as we embody the truths revealed to us. This transformation doesn't happen overnight. Like seedlings breaking through the soil, revelations need time to grow, to be nurtured in prayer, and to be tested through obedience.

- **Transformation Through Revelation: ** Every revelation from God is an invitation to change. It challenges our preconceptions, calls us to deeper faith, and demands a response. Whether it's a nudge to forgive, a call to serve, or an insight into Scripture, each revelation is a step towards becoming more like Christ.

- **The Practice of Listening: ** Understanding spiritual revelation requires the practice of listening – not just hearing words but letting them settle into our hearts. This involves creating spaces of silence in our lives where God's voice can be discerned amidst the noise of everyday distractions. It's a discipline of tuning our spiritual ears to the frequency of the divine.

- **The Necessity of Community: ** While personal revelation is deeply personal, it is also tested and confirmed within the community of believers. Sharing what we sense God is saying allows for discernment, encouragement, and accountability. The body of Christ functions best when its members are actively listening for God's voice, both individually and collectively.

In the journey of understanding spiritual revelation, we are reminded that God is not distant or detached. He speaks, here and now, calling us into a deeper relationship with Him. This divine dialogue is foundational to our faith, prompting us to ask, seek, and knock with the expectation that the door will indeed be opened. As we learn to recognize and respond to God's voice, our lives become a testament to the power of His Word, transforming us and through us, the world around us.

## Opposition and Spiritual Warfare in Hearing.

In our journey of faith, as we strive to hear God's voice more clearly, we must acknowledge the inevitable challenges that come with spiritual growth. **Opposition and spiritual warfare** are not mere possibilities; they are certainties.

As we climb higher on our spiritual path, we find that "new level, new devil" is not just a catchy phrase but a reality. This truth serves as a reminder that each step closer to God can attract greater opposition, aiming to deter us from our divine destiny.

Yet, it is precisely through these trials that our faith is both tested and strengthened, forging us into vessels more attuned to hearing God's voice.

1. **Recognize the Battle**: The first step in overcoming opposition is acknowledging the presence of a spiritual battle. Awareness allows us to shift our focus from a physical to a spiritual perspective, understanding that our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of evil. This realization is paramount in equipping ourselves for the battle ahead.

2. **Arm Yourself**: Spiritual warfare requires spiritual armour. Ephesians 6:10-18 provides us with a comprehensive list of the armour of God, which includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. By arming ourselves daily with these spiritual tools, we fortify our hearts and minds against the enemy's attacks.

3. **Stay Grounded in the Word**: The word of God is our most powerful weapon against the lies and deceptions of the enemy. It is through the scriptures that we can discern the voice of God from the voice of the enemy. By immersing ourselves in God's Word, we not only strengthen our faith but also sharpen our spiritual discernment, enabling us to recognize and reject the enemy's falsehoods.

4. **Lean into Community**: No soldier goes to battle alone, and the same applies to spiritual warfare. Surrounding ourselves with a community of faith-filled believers provides us with support, encouragement, and accountability.

This fellowship is crucial, especially during times of intense spiritual opposition, as it reminds us that we are not fighting alone. Together, we can stand firm, uplift one another, and continue to press forward towards hearing God's voice amidst the noise of the battle.

In facing these challenges, our resolve to hear God's voice becomes even more critical. The opposition we encounter is not a sign to retreat but a call to press in closer to God, to listen more intently for His guiding voice. It is through these trials that we learn to distinguish His voice from the clamour of the enemy, drawing strength from His promises and experiencing the profound peace that comes from trusting in His sovereignty.

As we navigate through the tumultuous waters of spiritual warfare, let us remember that our victory is already assured, for greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

## Creating an Environment for Hearing God's Voice.

In our bustling world, the divine whisper often gets lost in the noise, making it paramount for us to **create a sanctuary of serenity for our souls**. This sanctuary isn't necessarily a physical space, though it can be, but rather a spiritual haven where the clamour of life cannot intrude.

It's in this sacred space that our hearts can truly listen, undistracted by the cacophony that usually surrounds us. We must be intentional in setting aside time for this purpose, treating it with the same urgency and importance as we would any other critical appointment in our lives. It's a divine meeting between our soul and the Creator, where the only agenda is to listen and be transformed.

Creating this environment goes beyond merely finding a quiet place; it involves preparing our hearts as the fertile ground in which God's words can take root. **The posture of our heart is just as crucial as the silence around us**. This preparation can begin with simple prayers of surrender, inviting God into our space and acknowledging our openness and readiness to listen. It's about setting aside our own agendas and coming with no other desire but to hear what God has to say to us, personally and intimately.

Another vital aspect of creating an environment for hearing God's voice is immersing ourselves in the scriptures. The Bible is not just a book; it's the living word of God, active and powerful. **As we read, we are not just scanning words on a page but engaging in a conversation with God**. He speaks through the scriptures, providing guidance, comfort, correction, and encouragement. The Holy Spirit illuminates the Word, making it alive and relevant to our current situations, enabling us to hear God's voice more clearly and discern His will more accurately.

Lastly, fostering a community of believers who share the same desire to hear God's voice can significantly enhance our ability to tune into the divine frequency. **There is strength in numbers, and a shared pursuit of God's voice can lead to deeper insights and revelations**.

Such a community provides not only support and encouragement but also accountability, helping us to remain committed to our quest to hear God more clearly. Sharing our experiences and revelations with others can also affirm and confirm what we believe God is speaking into our hearts, making the journey a shared adventure in faith.

## Recognizing and Discerning God's Voice.

In our quest to deepen our relationship with God, recognizing and discerning His voice becomes a pivotal skill. It is through His voice that we receive guidance, comfort, and revelation. This journey, however, is not without its challenges. The world is filled with distractions and the enemy's whispers, both aiming to lead us astray. Yet, with intention and practice, we can learn to distinguish the divine whisper among the noise.

### Cultivating a Relationship with the Word.

Our first step in recognizing God's voice is to immerse ourselves in the Scriptures. The Bible is not just a book, but the living Word of God, and it is here that His voice is most clearly heard. As we spend time reading, meditating, and studying the Scriptures, we become familiar with the tone, language, and themes of God's voice.

This familiarity breeds discernment, enabling us to recognize when He speaks to us, whether through the pages of the Bible, the prompting of the Holy Spirit, or the wise counsel of fellow believers.

### The Quiet Whisper.

Elijah's encounter with God on Mount Horeb teaches us that God often speaks in a "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12, KJV). Learning to hear this quiet whisper amidst the cacophony of our daily lives requires us to cultivate silence.

This doesn't mean merely avoiding noise but creating a sacred space within our hearts and minds where God's voice can resonate. It means prioritizing time to be alone with God, allowing His presence to fill the spaces of our lives that are too often cluttered with distractions.

### The Test of Peace.

One of the hallmarks of God's voice is the peace that accompanies it. Colossians 3:15 encourages us to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. When we hear guidance or receive a revelation, testing it against the peace of Christ within us can help discern its origin.

God's voice brings clarity and peace, even amid situations that are far from peaceful. If what we hear generates anxiety, confusion, or fear, it is not from God. This "peace test" is a powerful tool in our discernment arsenal.

### The Role of Community.

We were never meant to journey in faith alone. Our Christian community plays a crucial role in helping us discern God's voice. Proverbs 11:14 speaks of safety in a multitude of counsellors. When trying to discern whether we've heard from God, sharing with trusted, spiritually mature friends or mentors can provide confirmation or caution.

They can offer perspectives we might miss and help us see where our desires might be clouding our discernment. This communal aspect of discernment underscores the importance of fellowship in our spiritual lives.

### Stepping Out in Faith.

Finally, recognizing, and discerning God's voice often requires us to step out in faith. It's in the doing that we learn and grow. When we believe we've heard from God, stepping out in obedience (even if it's with trembling hands) is where the rubber meets the road.

It's in these steps of faith that we find confirmation of His guidance, and our ability to hear and discern His voice strengthens. As we take these steps, we do so with a heart of humility, always ready to be corrected and always seeking to align our steps with His will.

Recognizing and discerning God's voice is a journey of faith, filled with moments of clarity and confusion. Yet, it's in this journey that our relationship with God deepens, and our faith grows stronger.

As we cultivate our relationship with the Word, embrace the quiet, test for peace, seek counsel in community, and boldly step out in faith, we find ourselves increasingly attuned to the divine frequency, ready to hear and follow where He leads.

## Practical Steps for Cultivating Faith through Hearing.

In the journey of faith, one of the most transformative realizations we can have is that faith comes by hearing. It's a journey that takes us beyond merely listening, into a profound practice of tuning our hearts to the divine.

Through developing a receptive heart, embracing faith, understanding spiritual revelation, facing opposition, and creating environments conducive to hearing God's voice, we've embarked on a path that not only draws us closer to the divine but transforms us in the process.

As we conclude, let's remember that cultivating faith through hearing is not a passive activity but an active pursuit. It requires us to be deliberate in our actions, to seek silence amid noise, to engage with the scriptures deeply, and to lean into the community of faith for support and encouragement. Each step, each effort, each moment of silence, is an act of faith, a declaration that we are here, ready, and willing to hear what the Lord has to say.

In practical terms, this means setting aside daily moments for prayer and meditation, diving into the Word with an open heart, and joining hands with fellow believers who share our quest for spiritual depth.

It demands of us to not only hear but to listen; not just to nod in agreement, but to act with conviction. For in the act of hearing, and in the subsequent steps of obedience, faith is both formed and fortified.

Let us carry forward, then, with hearts attuned to the frequency of the divine, with spirits willing to engage in the beautiful complexity of faith that comes by hearing. May our journey be marked by moments of profound revelation, leaps of faith in the face of opposition, and the gentle, steady voice of God guiding us through every step. Together, let's cultivate a faith that echoes in our actions, a faith that comes alive in the hearing.

## FAQ.

### Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

**1. How can I develop a more receptive heart to hear God's voice? **

Developing a receptive heart begins with intentionally quieting our minds and focusing on the Holy Spirit's presence. This involves creating moments of silence in our everyday lives to listen earnestly for God's guidance. Prayer plays a critical role in this process, not just as a petition for divine intervention but as a posture of openness and readiness to receive God's whispers.

**2. What role does faith play in hearing God? **

Faith acts as the crucial bridge that connects our hearts to the divine voice. It's through faith that we open ourselves to the possibility of hearing God in unexpected ways and discern His guidance amid life's noise. Faith empowers us to trust in God's direction, even when our path is not entirely clear, allowing us to tune into His frequency with the belief that He speaks to transform us.

**3. Why is understanding spiritual revelation important? **

Spiritual revelation involves the unveiling of divine truths, deepening our connection with God and enlightening our understanding. It's essential because it requires us to be open to the mystery of the divine, trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. Revelation often carries the responsibility to act on what we've heard, challenging us to embody the teachings and truths revealed to us.

**4. How do opposition and spiritual warfare affect our ability to hear God? **

As we grow closer to God, we'll face increased opposition, testing our faith and determination. This spiritual warfare demands our commitment to staying attuned to God's voice, which equips us with the strength to overcome challenges. Utilizing spiritual weapons, such as the word of God, is vital in fortifying our hearts against the enemy's attacks.

**5. What can I do to create an environment conducive to hearing God's voice? **

Creating an environment for hearing God involves dedicating time for prayer and meditation, immersing ourselves in scripture, and fostering a supportive community of believers. It's about finding our quiet retreat, akin to Jesus' solitary prayer places, where we can earnestly seek God's face and listen for His guidance.

**6. How can I better recognize and discern God's voice? **

Recognizing and discerning God's voice is a skill honed through practice, deepening our relationship with Jesus, and consistently engaging with His word. It requires developing a spiritual sensitivity that can differentiate His voice from others, measuring all voices against the truth of scripture. Trust in His guidance grows as we become more adept at recognizing His voice.

**7. Are there practical steps I can take to cultivate faith through hearing? **

Yes, cultivating faith through hearing involves a blend of divine grace and diligent effort. Start with a genuine desire to deepen your knowledge of God and a commitment to relentlessly seeking Him. Engage in scripture study, participate in prayer, seek fellowship with believers, and be willing to step out in faith based on His guidance. These steps form the foundation for a faith that grows through hearing the divine voice.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network