Embracing transformation - Dying to grow


# Embracing Transformation:

The Power of Dying to Grow.

## Seed - The Importance of Sowing the Best Seed.

Have you ever considered that to truly flourish, we might need to embrace the concept of dying? Not in the literal sense, but in a way that allows for rebirth, transformation, and growth. In our journeys, both personal and collective, the act of letting go, of dying to certain aspects of our lives, is not the end but a powerful beginning.

It's a doorway to multiplication, to a life more abundant and fruitful than we could ever imagine. Today, let's explore together how focusing our attention on the most fruitful areas of our life can bring about greater productivity and fulfilment.

Imagine for a moment, the seed - a small, insignificant object, yet it holds within it the promise of life, abundance, and transformation. When we talk about sowing seeds, we're really talking about the beginnings of something new, something potentially groundbreaking. But not just any seed will do. To see a significant increase or improvement in any area of our lives, we must sow our best seed.

Think about it. A grain of wheat, when it falls to the ground and dies, is no longer just a single seed. It becomes many seeds, a symbol of multiplication and abundant life (John 12:24). This principle, illustrated beautifully in the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3, Mark 4:14), and echoed in the tear-filled yet hopeful sowing in Psalm 126:5,6, is a powerful reminder of the importance of giving our best. Whether it's our time, our resources, or our talents, sowing our best seed means we're invested in the growth process, ready to embrace whatever comes next.

## Major Difference Between Sowing and Planting.

When we delve deeper into the concepts of sowing and planting, we uncover a rich tapestry of choice and destiny. Sowing is akin to freedom - the seed is thrown into the air, caught by the wind, and carried to places unknown. It's a beautiful picture of potential, of being open to where life might take us. However, it's only the seed that finds good ground which will grow to maturity.

On the other hand, planting is a deliberate act. It involves dying to selfish ambitions and being rooted in one place, committed to growth and transformation. It's about destiny, about recognizing that we were created for a purpose and committing ourselves to it, wholeheartedly.

## Choice Between Freedom or Destiny.

This choice between freedom and destiny is one we face daily. Do we want to be carried by the winds of circumstance, briefly touching down here and there? Or do we seek to plant ourselves, to invest in a process of growth that requires sacrifice but promises a greater yield? The allure of constant change and surface-level experiences can be strong, but it's in the deep, committed engagement with our lives and our environment that true growth happens.

## Transformation Through Death and Renewal.

The journey of transformation is marked by death and renewal. Just as a seed must die to bring forth life, so too must we let go of our former selves to embrace the new. This principle, found in 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, reminds us that what we sow does not come to life unless it dies. Our old ways, our former ambitions, and desires must be laid to rest so that we can embrace the life we're meant to live, a life hidden with Christ (Colossians 3:3).

## Baptism and Resurrection - Identifying with Christ.

Baptism symbolizes this death and resurrection in a profound way. It's an outward expression of an inward transformation, a declaration that we are dying to our old selves and being resurrected into new life with Christ. This new life is not about selfish gain but living for others, giving ourselves away in service and love.

## Types of Seed and Pruning for Greater Fruitfulness.

In our lives, many types of "seeds" can be sown - from the Word of God to our personal ambitions and even material possessions. Each has its place, but discernment is key. We must recognize what needs to be pruned for us to bear more fruit. Like a gardener carefully trimming branches for a more bountiful harvest, we too must sometimes let go of good things to focus on what will bring forth the most fruit.

## Fruit - Going Through the Process of Separation.

Finally, the fruit we bear must go through its own process of separation - from being reaped and threshed to winnowed and sifted. This process, while challenging, is necessary for growth and maturity. Not everyone will make it through to full maturity, but for those who do, the potential is limitless.

As we navigate the complexities of sowing, dying, and growing, let's remember the promise of reaping in joy. Let's encourage each other to plant

## Major Difference Between Sowing and Planting.

### Embracing the Ground.

When we consider the act of sowing, we're met with an image of freedom and potential. The seed, once released from our grasp, journeys through the air, its destination unknown until it touches down on fertile soil—or perhaps not. This moment of release symbolizes a surrender to the possibilities that life holds, an acknowledgment that growth requires us to let go.

Yet, it's in planting where we find a deeper commitment. Planting isn't just about letting go; it's about choosing where to invest our energy, deciding to root ourselves in a purpose that goes beyond the surface. It's a conscious decision to die to our wandering desires and ambitions and to embrace a single point of focus, a specific plot of land, if you will, where we can truly flourish.

### The Decision to Plant.

Choosing to plant ourselves is akin to signing a pact with destiny. It signifies a readiness to engage with life on a level that demands more from us than mere participation. This act of planting—of dying to selfish ambition—is beautifully depicted in the image of a seed falling to the ground and ceasing to be what it once was, to become something greater.

It's a powerful, albeit challenging, transition. Repentance, or the act of rebuilding ourselves from the ground up, becomes a necessary step in this process. It's about acknowledging the need for a foundational transformation, one that allows us to break free from the superficial and dig deeper into the essence of who we are meant to be.

### The Soil of Selflessness.

In the metaphor of planting, the ground we choose to root ourselves in is not just any soil; it's the terrain of selflessness and purpose. It's about finding that place where our personal desires align with a greater calling, where our actions contribute to something beyond ourselves. By dying to our previous existence, desires, and ambitions, we are reborn into a life of significance. This transformation isn't easy; it requires us to let go of what we know, to break free from the comfort of the superficial and embrace a path of growth that is both challenging and rewarding. It's a journey that leads us to discover our true destiny, the reason we were created.

### A Life of Growth and Purpose.

The major difference between sowing and planting isn't just in the action itself but in the intention behind it. While sowing allows for a sense of freedom, it's in planting where we find our purpose. This purpose is not static; it evolves as we do, guiding us through the seasons of our lives.

By choosing to plant, to invest ourselves fully in something meaningful, we embark on a journey of transformation. This journey isn't about achieving a final state of growth but about continuously evolving, shedding old layers, and embracing new beginnings. It's a commitment to a life of growth, a promise to ourselves and the world that we are here to make a difference, to sow, plant, and ultimately, flourish in the most fruitful areas of our lives.

## Choice Between Freedom or Destiny.

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, facing the choice between freedom and destiny. This decision isn't about choosing one definitive path over another but understanding the balance between the two. On one hand, there's the allure of freedom – the idea that we can be seeds carried by the wind, landing wherever we wish, free to explore every opportunity with no strings attached. This path offers:

- **The joy of exploration**:

Discovering new places, ideas, and parts of ourselves without the commitment to stay.

- **Surface-level experiences**:

Brief, often shallow encounters that while fun, rarely lead to deep growth or lasting change.

- **Constant change**:

A life filled with varied experiences, where each day is drastically different from the last.

However, appealing as it may seem, this approach to life often leaves us feeling unrooted and unfulfilled. The fleeting nature of these experiences means we rarely stay in one place long enough to truly grow.

On the flip side, there's destiny – a commitment to planting ourselves firmly in the ground and nurturing our growth. It's about choosing a path and sticking to it, even when the journey gets tough. This choice involves:

- **Deep, committed engagement**:

Investing in our relationships, careers, and passions, even when the novelty wears off.

- **Sacrifice and growth**:

Letting go of temporary pleasures for long-term fulfilment and purpose.

- **A sense of purpose**:

Understanding that we're here for a reason, and dedicating ourselves to living out that purpose, whatever it may be.

Choosing destiny over freedom doesn't mean giving up our autonomy. Rather, it's about recognizing that true freedom comes from within – it's the freedom to live a life aligned with our deepest values and aspirations. It's a commitment to growth, to dying to our old selves and being reborn into something greater.

As we navigate this choice, let's remember that while the wind may carry us to new places, it's only by planting ourselves that we can truly flourish and bring forth the fruit of our labours.

## Transformation Through Death and Renewal.

The concept of transformation through death and renewal is akin to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. It's a beautiful yet challenging journey that requires us to shed our old selves to embrace a new form of existence. This process is not about losing our identity but discovering our true essence and purpose. It's about allowing the parts of us that no longer serve our growth to die, making room for new life and opportunities. Just like a seed buried in the dark soil, we too must endure a period of darkness and uncertainty, trusting that a new life is emerging from within us.

1. **Acceptance of Death**: The first step in our transformation is accepting that certain aspects of our lives and selves need to die. This could mean letting go of outdated beliefs, harmful relationships, or old habits that keep us from moving forward. It's acknowledging that without this essential death, there can be no new life.

2. **Embracing the Process**: Transformation requires patience and faith in the process. Just as a seed doesn't turn into a plant overnight, our growth takes time and can often feel uncomfortable or painful. Embracing this process means being open to change and willing to endure the growing pains that come with it.

3. **Renewal and New Life**: As we let go of the old, we make space for the new. This stage is about embracing the new life that comes from our willingness to transform. It involves adopting new beliefs, fostering healthier relationships, and developing habits that align with our true selves and our purpose.

4. **Living in Alignment**: The final stage of transformation is living out this new life with integrity and alignment. It's about being true to our new selves and walking the path that we've carved out through our transformation. This means making choices that reflect our renewed selves and striving to live in a way that honours our journey.

Throughout this process, it's crucial to remember that transformation is not a one-time event but a continuous journey. Like the seasons, we will go through cycles of death and renewal, each bringing us closer to our fullest potential.

This journey requires courage, commitment, and the belief that the life waiting for us on the other side of transformation is worth every moment of struggle. Let us embrace this transformative process, knowing it leads to a more authentic, fulfilling life.

## Baptism and Resurrection - Identifying with Christ.

Baptism is one of the most profound expressions of our faith, symbolizing death to our old selves and resurrection into a new life united with Christ. It's an act that mirrors the journey of a seed, buried in darkness only to emerge in a new form, filled with potential and life.

Through baptism, we publicly declare our intention to leave behind our previous ways of living, embracing a path that is not our own but one that has been carved out by the love and sacrifice of Jesus. **This transformation is not a mere change of habits but a complete rebirth of our identity and purpose. **

In this sacred act, we are submerged in water, not just to follow a tradition, but to physically represent our burial with Christ; and as we rise out of the water, we are resurrected with Him. This ritual is a vivid reminder that our lives are no longer defined by our past mistakes, failures, or identities. Instead, we emerge as new creations, cleansed and renewed, ready to embark on a journey that reflects the love and grace of Christ. **Our resurrection with Christ is the beginning of a life lived in the fullness of His calling**, a life that seeks to serve, love, and grow in the image of our Saviour.

The significance of this new beginning cannot be overstated. As we are resurrected with Christ, our perspectives shift from inward to outward, from self-serving to serving others. This is not a life of ease, but one of purpose and sacrifice, mirroring the life of Jesus. We find ourselves compelled to give, to love, and to be instruments of peace and reconciliation in a broken world. Our resurrection with Him marks the start of a life that is not about accumulating wealth, status, or earthly pleasures but about embodying the love of Christ in our every action.

In embracing our baptism and resurrection with Christ, we accept the challenge to live differently. It's a commitment to die to self-daily, to let go of selfish ambitions and desires, and to walk in a manner worthy of the calling we have received. This journey is marked by growth, challenges, and immeasurable joy, as we discover that in giving ourselves away, we find the true essence of life. **Baptism is not the end of our transformation but the beginning of our adventure with Christ**, an adventure that invites us to grow, love, and serve in ways we never imagined possible.

## Types of Seed and Pruning for Greater Fruitfulness.

### Understanding the Variety of Seeds.

In the garden of life, the types of seeds we sow vary widely - from the transformative Word of God to our personal ambitions, and even the tangible seeds of plants and animals. Each seed carries within it potential for growth, change, and impact. It's not just about what we're planting, but the intention and quality behind it.

Sowing seeds of kindness, for instance, can uplift those around us, while sowing seeds of innovation and creativity might transform our workplace. But beyond the sheer diversity, it's crucial to discern which seeds hold the most promise for the future we aspire to craft. Not all seeds will bear fruit, but those that do have the power to change our world.

### The Significance of Pruning.

Pruning, though it may seem harsh at first glance, is an act of love and foresight. It involves the careful removal of parts of a plant to ensure healthier growth and more abundant fruit. This principle applies directly to our lives as well.

There are habits, pursuits, and even relationships that, while not necessarily bad, might be hindering our growth towards our fullest potential. Pruning these aspects allows us to redirect our energy and resources towards what truly matters, towards the dreams and goals that stir our souls and promise a richer, more fulfilling harvest.

### Man-made Seeds: Money and Possessions.

Among the seeds we sow, some are man-made, such as money and possessions. While these lack the inherent life of natural seeds, they still carry potential when sown wisely. For instance, investing in others or donating to causes can yield incredible growth in community welfare and personal satisfaction. It's a reminder that even the seeds created by human hands can contribute to the cycle of growth and renewal, provided we sow them with a vision of the greater good they can achieve.

### The Process of Pruning for Greater Fruitfulness.

Pruning for greater fruitfulness is not just about cutting back; it's about making strategic choices. In the context of our lives, this might mean focusing on fewer projects to enhance the quality and impact of our work or dedicating more time to fewer relationships to deepen their significance.

It's about recognizing that spreading ourselves too thin can prevent us from achieving excellence in any area. By pruning wisely, we ensure that our energy is concentrated where it can make the most difference, leading to greater productivity and fulfilment.

### Embracing the Pruning Process.

Embracing the pruning process requires courage and faith. It's not easy to let go of the familiar, even when it holds us back. But history is full of individuals who dared to prune their lives - who left secure jobs to start new ventures, ended toxic relationships to find healthier ones, or abandoned old ways of thinking to embrace new possibilities.

Their stories inspire us to trust in the process, to believe that every cut makes room for new life. As we prune, we're not just cutting away; we're setting the stage for new growth, for a future that's more fruitful and fulfilling than we could have imagined.

In the journey towards greater productivity and fulfilment, understanding the types of seeds we sow and embracing the necessity of pruning are pivotal steps. By discerning which seeds hold the most promise and being willing to prune away the rest, we prepare ourselves for a harvest beyond our wildest dreams.

## Fruit - Going Through the Process of Separation.

As we journey through life, sowing seeds of potential, embracing the discipline of planting, and making the pivotal choice between fleeting freedom and resolute destiny, we embark on a transformative path.

This path, marked by the poignant cycle of death and renewal, mirrors the profound symbolism of baptism and resurrection. We identify with Christ, laying down our old selves to emerge renewed, ready to sow, prune, and ultimately bear the fruit of our labours.

Throughout this process, we've seen the importance of sowing the best seed, recognizing the distinct paths of sowing and planting, and the crucial decision between embracing whimsical freedom or pursuing our destined purpose. The journey of transformation, vividly illustrated by the necessity of dying to our former selves, leads us to a deeper communion with life's true essence, hidden in Christ.

We've explored the different types of seeds within our lives—words of encouragement, personal ambitions, and even material possessions. Each holding the potential for growth yet requiring the meticulous act of pruning to ensure that what remains is truly fruitful. This act, though painful at times, is a testament to our commitment to nurturing the most bountiful harvest possible.

Finally, our focus shifted to the fruit, a tangible representation of our labour's outcome. This fruit, however, must endure its own process of separation—reaping, threshing, winnowing, and sifting—challenging phases that test its resilience and purity. Not all will withstand the rigors of this process, but for those that do, the reward is immeasurable.

In conclusion, our exploration of growth through the metaphor of sowing, dying, and bearing fruit urges us to reflect on the areas of our lives that require our utmost attention and dedication. It calls for a willingness to let go, to die to certain aspects so that new, more fruitful opportunities can take root and flourish.

This journey is not without its trials, but the promise of reaping in joy, of witnessing the bountiful harvest of our efforts, makes every challenge worthwhile. Let us move forward, nurturing the most fruitful areas of our lives, ever mindful of the abundant growth and productivity that awaits us.

Together, let's dare to die, to grow, and to thrive in ways we've only dreamed of.

## FAQ

**1. What does "Dying to Grow" mean? **

"Dying to Grow" refers to the process of letting go of certain aspects of our lives, akin to a seed dying in the ground, to allow for new growth, transformation, and ultimately, a more fruitful and productive life. It's about embracing change and sacrifice to reach our full potential.

**2. Why is it important to sow the best seed? **

Sowing the best seed is crucial because it represents investing our best efforts, resources, and talents in areas of our lives that promise the greatest growth and fulfilment. Like the grain of wheat that dies to produce many seeds, our best contributions can lead to abundant life and multiplication.

**3. What's the difference between sowing and planting? **

Sowing is more about freedom and potential, where the seed is scattered and left to grow wherever it lands. Planting, however, is a deliberate act of committing to growth in a specific place or area of our lives. It's about choosing a destiny and working towards it, rather than being carried aimlessly by circumstance.

**4. How does the concept of freedom vs. destiny play into our growth? **

This concept challenges us to decide whether we want to live by the whims of circumstance (freedom) or commit to a purposeful direction (destiny). True growth and productivity come from making deliberate choices about where to focus our energies and resources, rather than spreading them too thin.

**5. Can you explain the importance of death and renewal in personal transformation? **

Just as a seed must die to bring forth life, personal transformation often requires letting go of our old selves, habits, and ambitions. This death of the old self allows for a renewal of our lives, embracing new directions, growth, and a deeper connection with our purpose.

**6. What role does baptism play in this context? **

Baptism symbolizes the death of our old self, and the birth of a new life aligned with Christ's teachings. It's an outward declaration of inward change, committing to live not for selfish gains but in service and love towards others.

**7. Why is pruning necessary for greater fruitfulness? **

Pruning involves removing aspects of our lives that, while good, may not be the best for our growth. By focusing on what truly matters and has the potential to bring forth the most fruit, we ensure our resources and efforts are not wasted but instead lead to greater productivity and fulfilment.

**8. What does the process of separation mean for the fruit we bear? **

The fruit we bear must go through a process of separation—reaping, threshing, winnowing, and sifting—to become truly useful and mature. This process, though challenging, is essential for growth and ensures that only the most resilient and fruitful aspects of our lives are nurtured and developed.

By embracing the principles of sowing the best seed, choosing destiny over aimless freedom, undergoing transformation through death and renewal, and willingly submitting to pruning for greater fruitfulness, we can navigate the complexities of growth and productivity.

Let's commit to this journey together, supporting one another in pursuit of a life that's not just abundant, but also deeply fulfilling and impactful.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network