Embracing our divine destiny


# Embracing Our Divine Destiny:

The Power of Knowing God and Doing Exploits.

## 1. Knowing the Lord.

In a world that often feels like it's spinning out of control, where the clamour of life's challenges drowns out the whispers of hope, there exists a beacon of strength that can not only guide us but empower us to rise above. This beacon, this unshakeable pillar, is our knowledge of the Lord.

It's not just about knowing *of* Him, but truly *knowing* Him—an intimate, deep-seated understanding that comes from personal encounters and a life lived in close fellowship with God.

When we truly know the Lord, we are not swayed by the deceptive flattery of false prophets or seduced by the allure of false gods. Our roots go deep into the soil of God's truth, drawing strength and nourishment from His Word and Spirit.

This knowledge is not a mere accumulation of facts but a living, breathing relationship that transforms us from the inside out. It's in this knowing that we find the courage to stand firm in the face of adversity, to uphold the truth when it's easier to compromise, and to embody His love in a world that desperately needs it.

## 2. Being Strong.

Strength, in the Kingdom of God, is measured not by our physical might but by the resilience of our spirit and the steadfastness of our faith. It's about being bold, prevailing against odds, hardening ourselves against the snares of the enemy, and remaining courageous, firm, and resolute in our walk with God. This strength does not come from within us; it is a divine endowment, a gift from the One who is the source of all power.

In being strong, we overcome our weaknesses and face challenges head-on, fortified by the knowledge that we do not fight alone. Our strength is compounded by wisdom and knowledge, enabling us to navigate the complexities of life with grace and determination. It is in this strength that we reflect the majesty of our God, showing the world that we are His and He is ours.

## 3. Doing Exploits.

To do exploits is to demonstrate the power of the Lord in every encounter, to break through where others see barriers, to answer questions that leave others perplexed, and to offer hope where despair seems the only option. Our exploits are not for our glory but for His. They are evidence of His power at work within us, a testament to what it means to walk in faith and obedience.

In a world hungry for authenticity and miracles, our lives are to be living epistles, known and read by all. The exploits we do—whether they be acts of kindness, words of wisdom, miraculous healings, or dramatic deliverances—are not by our might but by His Spirit. Through us, He wants to showcase His love, power, and grace to a world in need.

## 4. Understanding the Ways of God.

Our journey with God is not static; it's a dynamic, ever-evolving relationship that deepens as we come to understand His ways. This understanding is not just intellectual but experiential. We learn of His kindness, justice, and righteousness not just from the pages of Scripture but in the daily outworking of our lives lived in surrender to Him.

In understanding the ways of God, we align ourselves with His purposes, becoming co-labourers in His vineyard. This understanding shapes our perspective, informs our choices, and guides our steps. It's in understanding His ways that we find our paths straightened and our burdens lightened.

## 5. Growing in Knowledge and Strength.

Growth in knowledge and strength is not optional in the Christian walk; it is essential. It is a continual process of being strengthened with might by His Spirit in our inner being, allowing us to endure and persevere with patience. As we grow in our knowledge of God, we find ourselves more deeply rooted in Him, equipped and ready for whatever lies ahead.

This growth is not solitary; it is nurtured in the community of believers and fuelled by the Word of God. As we delve deeper into the Scriptures, engage in prayer, and fellowship with other believers, we find ourselves growing not just in knowledge but in the strength that comes from knowing we are part of something far greater than ourselves.

## 6. Overcoming Weakness.

In our journey with God, we will encounter moments of weakness—times when our faith is tested, and our resolve is tried. Yet, it is in these moments that God's power is made perfect. Overcoming weakness is not about denying our vulnerabilities but about leaning into God, allowing His strength to be manifested in our frailty.

As we overcome our weaknesses, we become beacons of hope to those around us, living testimonies of God's grace and power. In our weakness, His strength is revealed, and our faith is refined, making us more like Him in the process.

## 7. Demonstrating God's Power.

Ultimately, our lives are meant to be a showcase of God's unparalleled power and love. It's not just in the monumental moments but in the everyday, seemingly mundane instances, where His glory shines brightest.

Through us, He extends invitations of hope, healing, and transformation to a world in dire need. Demonstrating God's power is more than just about witnessing miracles; it's about living a life that itself is a miracle—a testament to what can happen when a heart is fully surrendered to Him.

## 1. Knowing the Lord.

In a world that often seems chaotic and unmanageable, where the noise of life's trials threatens to overpower the soft murmurs of hope, there shines a luminous beacon of strength—a guiding light that not only directs us but also empowers us to transcend our limitations.

This beacon, this unwavering support, is our profound knowledge of the Lord. It goes far beyond mere awareness; it is a deep, personal understanding born from direct experiences and a life dedicated to intimate communion with God.

To know God in such a way, only comes by an encounter with the living God. When we open ourselves to be filled to overflowing with His divine essence, His spirit, His word, that transforms us from mortal beings into supernatural spirit beings.

This opens up a closeness of relationship that enables us to know what makes the heart of God beat!

When we truly know the Lord, when we immerse ourselves in His essence, we remain unshaken by the enticing words of deceivers or the tempting visions of false idols. Our roots delve deep into the fertile ground of God's eternal truth, drawing sustenance and vigour from His Word and Spirit.

This knowledge is not simply a collection of data; rather, it is a vibrant, dynamic relationship that revitalizes our very being from the core, influencing every thought, word, and deed.

In this profound connection, we discover the bravery to remain steadfast in times of trial, to champion truth when falsehood may seem more convenient, and to manifest His profound love in a world that thirsts for kindness and compassion.

This is not just learning about God but living through God—allowing His light to permeate our lives, transforming us into beacons of hope and strength for others to follow.

Through this sacred relationship, we not only survive the whirlwinds of life but thrive, inspiring others with our unwavering faith and unyielding love.

## 2. Being Strong.

### The Source of Our Strength.

In our quest to be strong, it's essential to remember that our strength does not originate from ourselves but from a divine source. When faced with challenges that seem insurmountable, it's the knowledge of the Lord and our relationship with Him that becomes our fortress.

Like a tree planted by streams of water, we draw our strength from deep roots in God's Word, which nourish our spirit and fortify our resolve. This divine endowment of strength is a testament to the power of His presence in our lives, enabling us to stand firm and resolute, even in the face of adversity.

### Overcoming Weakness with Divine Power.

The beauty of our journey with God lies in the paradox that our moments of weakness become opportunities for His strength to shine through. It's not about donning an armour of self-reliance but rather acknowledging our vulnerabilities and allowing God to work through them.

This divine intervention transforms our weaknesses into a platform for His power, demonstrating to ourselves and the world around us that with God, all things are possible.

Our strength, therefore, becomes a beacon of hope, showcasing the magnificent power of our Creator.

### Cultivating Courage and Resilience.

Being strong in the Lord also involves cultivating an attitude of courage and resilience. It's about developing a spirit that says, "I will not be moved" in the face of trials and tribulations. This courage does not come from naivety but from a deep-seated confidence in God's faithfulness.

It's the kind of boldness that David's mighty men exhibited, a willingness to face giants knowing that victory lies not in our might but in the power of the Almighty. By embracing this courage, we not only navigate life's storms but also emerge stronger, with stories of victory that inspire faith in others.

### The Steadfastness of Faith.

At the heart of being strong is the steadfastness of our faith. It's about holding firm to our convictions, even when the world around us seems to crumble. This unwavering faith is built on a foundation of trust in God's promises and a deep understanding of His character.

It's a faith that does not falter in the face of trials but grows stronger, producing perseverance and character. In this steadfastness, we find the true strength to not only endure but to thrive, reflecting the glory of God in every aspect of our lives.

## 3. Doing Exploits.

In the walk of faith, doing exploits is our visible testimony to the power and glory of God. It's in these moments of divine intervention, where the impossible becomes possible, that our faith leaps from the pages of Scripture into the tangible world around us.

The call to do exploits invites us into a life that transcends the ordinary, pushing us beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones and into the realm of supernatural breakthroughs. When we step out in faith, armed with the knowledge of God and His promises, we become conduits for His miracles and wonders.

- **Break Through Barriers**: Just as Joshua and the Israelites faced the walls of Jericho; we are called to confront the barriers in our lives with faith and obedience. The walls we face may be personal challenges, societal injustices, or spiritual strongholds, but in every case, our faith in God's power can bring them tumbling down.

- **Answer the Unanswerable**: In a world hungry for truth, followers of Christ are equipped to provide answers that confound the wise and reveal the heart of God. Whether it's offering hope to the hopeless or wisdom amid confusion, our exploits demonstrate the depth of our relationship with God and the relevance of His Word today.

- **Showcase God's Love in Action**: Acts of kindness and love, often overlooked by the world, are powerful exploits in the Kingdom of God. Feeding the hungry, caring for the orphan and widow, and extending mercy to the marginalized are just as miraculous as parting seas and moving mountains. These acts of love break down barriers, open hearts to the Gospel, and bring glory to God.

Doing exploits is not about seeking personal glory or recognition; it's about making God known and showcasing His power in a world that desperately needs it. As we step out in faith, let's remember that it's through our hands He chooses to work, through our voices He chooses to speak, and through our lives He chooses to demonstrate His unfathomable love and power.

## 4. Understanding the Ways of God.

Our journey with God is indeed an exciting adventure, one that beckons us deeper into the heart of who He is. But to traverse this path effectively, we must endeavour to understand the ways of God. This understanding is not merely an accumulation of biblical knowledge, but a profound, experiential wisdom that shapes our very being.

It's about seeing the world through His eyes, feeling with His heart, and moving at the impulse of His will. As we align our lives with His principles, we begin to recognize the rhythm of His grace in every situation.

1. **Observation and Reflection**: Begin by observing how God has moved in the lives of others, both in Scripture and in the testimonies around you. Reflect on these stories and seek the underlying principles at work. What does this tell you about God's character and His ways?

2. **Personal Experience**: Dive into your own journey with God. Each trial, each victory, and even the seemingly mundane moments are replete with lessons about His nature. Ask yourself, "What is God teaching me here?" Embrace both the mountain tops and the valleys, for both are rich with divine insights.

3. **Communal Learning**: Engage with the community of believers. Share stories, ask questions, and listen deeply. The body of Christ is a treasure trove of collective wisdom and understanding. Here, insights are shared, revelations are multiplied, and the ways of God are illuminated through diverse lenses.

4. **Active Application**: Finally, apply what you've learned. Understanding God's ways is not a passive endeavour; it demands action. Let these divine truths shape your decisions, interactions, and your very way of living. It's in the doing that the fullness of understanding comes alive.

In understanding the ways of God, we open ourselves up to a life that is not only directed by His hand but also enriched with His presence. It's a journey that requires patience, humility, and an open heart, but the rewards are immeasurable. As we grow in our understanding, we find our steps surer, our decisions more aligned with His will, and our lives a more accurate reflection of His love and grace. This understanding is not a destination but a journey, one that draws us ever closer to the heart of our Creator, enabling us to live lives that truly honour Him.

## 5. Growing in Knowledge and Strength.

Growth in our knowledge of God and in strength is an ongoing journey, one that does not have a destination in this lifetime but rather a series of milestones that mark our progress. **As we grow in understanding and intimacy with our Creator, we experience a deepening of our faith and an expansion of our capacities to serve Him. **

This growth is akin to the strengthening of muscles through exercise; it requires consistent, dedicated effort in studying the Word, engaging in prayer, and actively participating in community with fellow believers.

It's through these spiritual disciplines that we become more attuned to God's voice and more resilient in the face of life's challenges.

Our growth in knowledge is not merely an accumulation of facts or a deeper theological understanding, but a transformation of our hearts and minds that aligns us more closely with the character of God. It is a process that equips us to navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and grace.

**Every scripture studied, every prayer whispered, every act of fellowship with other believers is a step closer to the heart of God. **

As we immerse ourselves in the truths of the Bible, we find that our perspective on the world changes, our priorities shift, and we become more effective instruments of God's love and power in the world.

Moreover, this process of growing in strength is not a solitary endeavour. We are supported and uplifted by the community of faith, encouraged by the testimonies of those who have walked before us, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

In moments of doubt or weakness, it is often the encouragement and wisdom of fellow believers that remind us of God's faithfulness and power. **Our journey is enriched, and our burdens lightened when we share them with others who are committed to growing in the knowledge and strength of the Lord. **

Ultimately, the aim of our growth in knowledge and strength is not for our own benefit alone but for the advancement of God's kingdom here on earth. As we grow, we become more effective in our witness, more resilient in our faith, and more passionate in our pursuit of God's purposes.

**Our growth is a testament to the work of the Holy Spirit within us, a beacon of hope to a world in need of the transformative power of the gospel. ** It is through our continued commitment to this growth that we become capable of doing the exploits that God has prepared for us, showcasing His glory and love to all.

## 6. Overcoming Weakness.

### Embracing Our Vulnerabilities.

In our spiritual journey, moments of weakness are inevitable. They come unannounced, testing the very fabric of our faith and challenging our spiritual resolve. However, it is precisely in these moments that the power of God shines brightest.

Instead of shying away from our vulnerabilities, we should embrace them as opportunities for God to display His strength within us. Our weaknesses, rather than being points of shame, become platforms for His grace and power to be showcased.

It's a divine paradox: in admitting our inability, we are met with God's infinite capacity to uphold and strengthen us.

### Leaning into God.

When faced with weakness, our instinct might be to retreat or to muster our own strength in an attempt to overcome. Yet, the biblical response is to lean into God, to draw nearer to Him in our time of need.

It is by acknowledging our insufficiency and casting our burdens upon Him that we find His strength made perfect in our weakness. This act of surrender is not a sign of defeat but a bold declaration of trust in the One who is all-powerful.

Leaning into God means letting go of our self-reliance and allowing His strength to permeate our being, transforming our weaknesses into testimonies of His faithfulness.

### The Refining Process.

Our journey through weakness is also a refining process, where our faith is purified, and our character is moulded to be more in line with Christ's. As we overcome each trial, our trust in God deepens, and our dependence on Him becomes more profound.

This refinement is not comfortable—far from it. It involves being placed in the furnace of adversity, where our impurities are brought to the surface and skimmed off, leaving behind a faith that is pure, genuine, and resilient. The process is challenging, but the outcome is a more robust, more vibrant faith that can withstand the storms of life.

### Becoming Beacons of Hope.

By overcoming our weaknesses through God's strength, we become beacons of hope to those around us. Our lives testify to the transformative power of God's grace and the reality of His strength in our frailty.

This testimony has the power to encourage and uplift others who are struggling, showing them that they too can overcome through the strength of the Lord. Our stories of victory over weakness do not glorify us but point to the One who is the source of all strength and hope.

They remind others that no weakness is too great, no failure too daunting, for God to redeem and use for His glory.

### A Continuous Journey.

Overcoming weakness is not a one-time event but a continuous journey. Each season of life brings its own challenges and areas of vulnerability. Yet, with each step, we learn to rely more on God's strength and less on our own.

This journey is marked by moments of victory and times of struggle, but through it all, we are drawn closer to God. His strength becomes our lifeline, our constant in a world of change.

As we navigate this journey, we grow in faith, hope, and love, becoming more like Christ, who, in His weakness, demonstrated the ultimate strength.

## 7. Demonstrating God's Power.

Ultimately, our lives are meant to be a showcase of God's unparalleled power and love. It's not just in the monumental moments but in the everyday, seemingly mundane instances, where His glory shines brightest.

Through us, He extends invitations of hope, healing, and transformation to a world in dire need. Demonstrating God's power is more than just about witnessing miracles; it's about living a life that itself is a miracle—a testament to what can happen when a heart is fully surrendered to Him.

When we reflect on our journey, from knowing the Lord to demonstrating His power, it's clear that every step takes us deeper into the heart of God. It's a path marked by strength in weakness, wisdom in simplicity, and power in humility. Our exploits, our resilience, and our unwavering faith are not merits of our own but evidence of His spirit at work within us.

As we navigate the complexities of this life, let us hold fast to the knowledge that in knowing our God, we find the strength to do exploits, the courage to overcome our weaknesses, and the platform to demonstrate His power. Let us be encouraged that our journey with Him transforms us into beacons of hope and vessels of His mighty power.

To everyone reading, let this be your invitation to venture deeper into the heart of God. May you find in Him the strength that endures, the wisdom that enlightens, and the love that empowers. Together, let's illuminate the world with the evidence of His power, one life, one miracle at a time.

Remember, in knowing our God, we do not just survive; we thrive. We do not just live; we live abundantly. Through us, the world witnesses the profound truth that those who know their God shall indeed be strong and do exploits.

## FAQ.

### FAQ.

**Q: What does it mean to truly know the Lord? **

A: Truly knowing the Lord goes beyond merely being aware of His existence. It involves a deep, personal relationship built on intimate encounters and a life lived in close fellowship with God. This level of knowledge transforms us, enabling us to stand firm in faith and embody His love.

**Q: How is strength defined in the Kingdom of God? **

A: In God's Kingdom, strength is measured not by physical might but by the resilience of our spirit and the steadfastness of our faith. It's about being bold, overcoming weaknesses, and standing firm against adversities, empowered by God's divine gift of strength.

**Q: What does doing exploits mean? **

A: Doing exploits refers to demonstrating God's power in our lives through actions that showcase His love, power, and grace. These can include acts of kindness, wisdom, healings, or deliverances, all done not for our glory but for His.

**Q: Why is understanding the ways of God important? **

A: Understanding the ways of God helps us align with His purposes and deepens our relationship with Him. It shapes our perspective, informs our decisions, and guides our steps, making our paths straighter and our burdens lighter.

**Q: How can we grow in knowledge and strength? **

A: Growth in knowledge and strength is a continual process that involves delving into Scripture, engaging in prayer, and fellowship with other believers. It's nurtured within the community of faith and fuelled by the Word of God, enabling us to endure and persevere.

**Q: How do we overcome weakness? **

A: Overcoming weakness involves leaning into God, allowing His strength to manifest in our frailties. It's not about denying our vulnerabilities but about embracing God's grace and power, becoming beacons of hope and testimonies of His strength in our lives.

**Q: What does demonstrating God's power entail? **

A: Demonstrating God's power involves living out our faith in a way that reflects God's majesty and love. It means being living epistles, known and read by all, through which He can showcase His power, drawing others closer to Him.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network
