Are you receiving your wages or your inheritance?


From Wages of Sin to Heirs of Grace: 

Claiming Our Divine Inheritance

## Repentance:

In a world where our actions have consequences, we often find ourselves at a crossroads between receiving the wages of our ways or embracing a remarkable inheritance that's been laid out for us. It's a choice between persisting in darkness or stepping into the light. Today, we're going to explore this profound journey from understanding the need for repentance, recognizing our inability to do it on our own, the transformative role of the Holy Spirit, to the intertwining of faith with repentance. We'll also delve into the beauty of receiving an inheritance, being in right-standing with the family, claiming what is rightfully ours, and commanding the release of our property. Let's embark on this inspiring exploration together.

### Repentance:

At its core, repentance represents a heartfelt turning away from sin, marked by genuine disgust, sorrow, and a steadfast resolution not to continue down a path of wrongful acts. It's acknowledging that our misdeeds erect a barrier between us and God, disrupting the harmonious relationship intended for us. Sin, as defined by the Bible, encompasses any thought, word, or deed that deviates from God's holy standards. Hence, repentance is not merely a change of mind but a change of direction—a pivot towards a life aligned with divine principles.

### Our Inability to Repent on Our Own:

It's crucial to recognize that our efforts to conquer sin through sheer willpower are bound to fail. The pursuit of perfection only makes us painfully aware of our flaws. As the Apostle Paul enlightens us, striving to adhere to the law for justification only highlights our sinfulness. Sin's grip on us is tenacious, rendering us its captives. This realization brings us to the doorstep of grace, where our efforts end, and divine intervention begins.

### The Role of the Holy Spirit:

Enter the Holy Spirit—the catalyst for our transformation. Regeneration, or being "born again," is an instantaneous, miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, breathing new spiritual life into us, once dead in our trespasses. This divine act of grace empowers us to consciously turn away from sin and gravitate towards Christ with faith. It's a beautiful orchestration of divine love, calling us back home.

### Faith and Repentance:

In the dance of salvation, faith and repentance move in perfect harmony. One cannot exist without the other. To embrace salvation, we must place our faith in Christ for forgiveness, which necessitates a radical change of mind (repentance) about our lifestyle. It's a dual movement towards acknowledging our need for a saviour and entrusting our lives to Him.

### Receiving an Inheritance:

The concept of receiving an inheritance has always been about someone leaving behind a legacy for their loved ones. Unlike worldly inheritances, the one we receive as members of God's family comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through His sacrifice, we are invited into a family where we stand as heirs to an eternal promise—a promise of salvation and an abundant life.

### Being in Right-standing with the Family:

To partake in this inheritance, it's imperative that we are in right-standing with the family. This means living in fellowship with God and His people, walking in obedience and righteousness. The Scriptures remind us that the righteous shall inherit the land and dwell in it forever. It's a call to align our lives with God's will, ensuring that our actions reflect the values of the family we belong to.

### Claiming What is Rightfully Ours:

The promises of God are yes and amen. Yet, many of us live devoid of the inheritance that's rightfully ours. It's time to step forward in faith, claiming the promises laid out for us in God's Word. Whether it's peace, provision, or power, these are not just lofty ideals, but tangible realities meant for us, the heirs of God's kingdom.

### Commanding the Release of Our Property:

Sometimes, our inheritance seems to be under lock and key, guarded by forces intent on keeping us from accessing what's ours. Here, we're reminded of the authority bestowed upon us—to bind and loose, to command the release of what's rightfully ours. It's not a passive waiting game but an active engagement in spiritual warfare, donning the full armour of God and standing firm against the adversary.

In conclusion, the journey from receiving our wages of sin to embracing our inheritance in Christ is one marked by repentance, faith, and relentless pursuit of what's been promised to us. It's a beautiful testament to God's grace, transforming us from heirs of wrath to heirs of an eternal kingdom. Let's walk this journey together, encouraging one another to claim what's rightfully ours, for in Christ, we have received an inheritance that's imperishable, undefiled, and unfading.

## Our Inability to Repent on Our Own.

In our journey of faith, recognizing our own limitations is not just a step but a leap towards true spiritual growth. Acknowledging **Our Inability to Repent on Our Own** is to understand the sheer vastness of our need for divine intervention. The myth of self-sufficiency crumbles under the weight of our human frailty, revealing a truth we often resist—that our endeavour's to cleanse ourselves of sin through sheer willpower are not just futile but fundamentally misguided. The Apostle Paul's words echo through time, reminding us that adherence to the law, far from justifying us, exposes the depth of our sinfulness.

### The Illusion of Self-Sufficiency.

It's a common tale, one of striving and struggling, of the human effort to conquer sin on its own terms. This path is riddled with frustration because it is based on the illusion that we, in our own strength, can achieve spiritual purity. This belief leads us into a cycle of failure and despair, as our best efforts fall short of the divine standard. The law, with its unyielding demands, serves as a mirror, reflecting our inadequacies and the impossibility of attaining righteousness through human means.

### The Tyranny of Sin.

Sin is not merely a series of bad choices but a condition that enslaves. Its tyranny over us is complete, asserting its dominion through every facet of our being. This isn't about occasional missteps or minor infractions; it's about a pervasive influence that colours every thought, word, and deed. Here lies the crux of our inability—it's not the absence of desire to do good but the present and active power of sin that keeps us in bondage, always pulling us away from the light and into the shadows.

### The Doorstep of Grace.

The realization of our own powerlessness is not meant to leave us in despair but to bring us to the doorstep of grace. It's here, in the acknowledgment of our inability, that we find the true beginning of our spiritual journey. This is the pivot point, the moment of surrender when we understand that overcoming sin isn't about what we can do but about what has been done for us. The law, with its relentless spotlight on our failings, guides us to the foot of the cross, where our efforts end, and grace begins.

### The Need for Divine Intervention.

This brings us to the important aspect—the need for divine intervention. Our journey towards repentance is not a solo endeavour but a cooperative act with the Holy Spirit. It is God's grace that illuminates our darkness, His power that breaks the chains of sin, and His love that guides us towards true freedom. Recognizing our inability to repent on our own leads us to the profound understanding that salvation is not earned but given, not a prize for the perfect but a gift for the willing.

In embracing our limitations, we open ourselves to the limitless power of God's grace. This is where true repentance begins—not in the strength of our resolve but in the surrender to His.

## The Role of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in our spiritual rebirth and ongoing transformation, acting as the divine catalyst that breathes new life into our once sin-ridden souls. This process, often referred to as regeneration or being "born again," is nothing short of miraculous. It marks the beginning of a new chapter where we step out of the darkness and into the light, armed with a newfound strength that originates not from within ourselves but from above. The Holy Spirit doesn't just reside within us as a passive observer; rather, He actively participates in our journey, guiding, convicting, and empowering us to live lives that reflect our heavenly calling.

- **Guidance: **   

The Holy Spirit serves as our ultimate guide, leading us into all truth and steering us away from deception and sin. With Him at the helm, we navigate the complexities of life with wisdom that transcends human understanding.

- **Conviction: ** 

One of the Spirit's key roles is to convict us of our sins, not to condemn us, but to bring us to a place of repentance and transformation. This gentle yet profound nudge helps us recognize our need for God's grace.

- **Empowerment: **

Apart from the Holy Spirit, our efforts to live a godly life would be futile. He empowers us with the strength to overcome temptations and to bear fruit that aligns with our identity as children of God.

The beauty of the Holy Spirit's work within us is that it's both an instantaneous act of grace and a continual process of sanctification. From the moment of our spiritual rebirth, He begins to Mold and shape us into the likeness of Christ. This journey isn't always easy, and it often involves trials and tribulations. However, through the Holy Spirit, we are given the resilience and fortitude to persevere, transforming our challenges into opportunities for growth and deeper reliance on God. It's a divine partnership that beckons us to live beyond our natural capabilities, inviting us to partake in the supernatural life that God has ordained for us.

## Faith and Repentance.

In the spiritual journey that life is, faith and repentance are two sides of the same coin, each incomplete without the other. Our path toward redemption and eternal life necessitates a profound faith in Christ as our Savior, paired with a heartfelt repentance for the sins we've committed. This process isn't merely about acknowledging our need for salvation—it's about transforming our perspective and lifestyle to align with God's will. Here, faith acts as the foundation upon which we build our new lives, while repentance serves as the continual process of turning away from sin and towards God's light.

1. **Acknowledgment of Sin**: 

The first step in this dance of faith and repentance is acknowledging that we have sinned and need God's grace. It's a humbling realization that our efforts are insufficient to attain righteousness on our own. This acknowledgment is the bedrock of our faith, for without recognizing our sinful state, we cannot fully appreciate the magnitude of Christ's sacrifice for us.

2. **Turning to Christ in Faith**: 

Once we acknowledge our sinfulness, the next step is to turn to Christ in faith, believing that He is the only way to forgiveness and eternal life. This faith is not passive; it's a dynamic trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, confident in His power to save us from sin's grip. It's in this act of faith that we find the strength to repent, to turn away from our sinful behaviours and thoughts.

3. **The Act of Repentance**: 

With our faith securely placed in Christ, repentance becomes our response to His love and sacrifice. It's an ongoing process, one where we continually assess our lives, identify areas that fall short of God's glory, and make conscious decisions to change. Repentance is not a one-time event but a lifetime journey of turning away from sin and moving closer to God.

4. **Living Out Our Faith**: 

True faith manifests in our actions. As we repent and turn away from our sins, our lives begin to reflect the faith we profess. This means living in a way that honours God, obeying His commandments, and showing love and grace to others. Our faith and repentance are not just personal, internal experiences—they're visible in the way we live our lives, impacting those around us and bearing witness to the transformative power of Christ's love.

Faith and repentance are, therefore, intricately linked in the Christian life. They are the twin engines driving us toward a deeper relationship with God, shaping us into the people He designed us to be. As we navigate this journey, let us cling to our faith while embracing the act of repentance, knowing that through them, we access the incredible inheritance that is ours in Christ.

## Receiving an Inheritance.

In the grand tapestry of life, the principle of inheritance is one that resonates deeply, transcending mere physical assets to encompass the profound spiritual legacy we're offered through Christ. **It's a transformative promise that shifts our narrative from one of desolation to one of hope and abundance. ** The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ weren't merely historical events but pivotal moments that inaugurated a new covenant, under which we're welcomed as heirs to an eternal kingdom. This inheritance isn't earned by our deeds but is a testament to the depth of God's love and the magnitude of His grace, inviting us into a relationship characterized by forgiveness, redemption, and everlasting life.

The notion of being part of God's family and, by extension, heirs according to the promise, imparts a sense of belonging that goes beyond earthly ties. **We're not just wandering souls; we're children of the King, called to inherit not only the kingdom of heaven but the very character and nature of Christ Himself. ** This inheritance redefines our identity, setting us apart as individuals of worth and purpose in the eyes of the Divine. It's a profound reminder that our value isn't determined by our past failures or successes but by the unmerited favour bestowed upon us through Christ's sacrifice.

Navigating this world, it's easy to feel disheartened by the transient and often elusive nature of earthly inheritances, yet what we're offered in Christ is both incomparable and indestructible. **Our heavenly inheritance is characterized by peace that surpasses understanding, joy unspeakable, and love that knows no bounds. ** It's an inheritance that transcends time, one that moth, and rust cannot corrupt, and thieves cannot break in and steal. As heirs, we're invited to live in the reality of this promise, anchoring our hope not in the shifting sands of this world but in the eternal and unchanging nature of God's kingdom.

Claiming our inheritance requires an active stance of faith, recognizing that what Jesus accomplished on the cross was not just for humanity in a general sense but for each of us personally. **We are called to lay hold of this inheritance, embracing it as our own, and living in the fullness of its reality every day. ** This means walking in the authority and freedom that comes from being children of God, manifesting His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Our inheritance is not just a future hope but a present reality, influencing how we live, how we love, and how we serve, knowing that we do so as heirs of an eternal and glorious kingdom.

## Being in Right-standing with the Family.

### Embracing Fellowship and Obedience.

To truly partake in the inheritance promised to us, it's vital that we find ourselves in right-standing with the family of God. This goes beyond mere affiliation; it's about embracing a life of fellowship with God and His people. By walking in obedience to His word and embodying the righteousness that He calls us to, we align ourselves with the divine standards set before us. It's a harmonious blend of faith and action, where our lives reflect the depth of our commitment to the family we belong to. Our daily choices become a testament to our allegiance, bridging the gap between professing our faith and living it out.

### Righteousness: The Key to Inheritance.

The Scriptures are clear: "The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein forever." This isn't just a lofty ideal but a fundamental principle that underscores the importance of righteousness in our journey. Living a righteous life isn't about attaining perfection through our own efforts; it's about letting the transformative power of Christ work within us, shaping us into His likeness. As we walk this path, we find that righteousness isn't a burden but a liberating force, freeing us from the shackles of sin and enabling us to lay claim to the promises of God.

### Aligning Our Lives with Divine Will.

Being in right-standing with the family means aligning our lives with the divine will. It's about tuning our hearts to the frequency of God's voice and letting His desires shape our aspirations. This alignment is crucial for us to experience the fullness of our inheritance. It's not just about being heirs; it's about living like ones, demonstrating through our actions the values and principles of the Kingdom we represent. When we align our will with God's, we move in harmony with His purpose for our lives, opening the doors to the abundant blessings He has in store for us.

### The Role of Community in Our Inheritance.

Our journey towards claiming our inheritance isn't one we walk alone. Being in right-standing with the family means actively participating in the community of believers, drawing strength from collective worship, and offering support to those around us. This fellowship enriches our faith, providing us with the encouragement and accountability necessary to pursue righteousness. As we engage with our spiritual family, we find that our individual journeys are interwoven, each story a thread in the larger tapestry of God's kingdom. Together, we grow, we learn, and we step closer to claiming what's rightfully ours.

### Walking in Obedience: A Daily Commitment.

Ultimately, being in right-standing with God's family is a daily commitment to walk in obedience. It's a conscious choice to eschew sin and embrace the path of righteousness laid out before us. This journey is marked by challenges and triumphs, moments of doubt, and instances of unwavering faith. Yet, through it all, our commitment to walk in obedience not only solidifies our place in the family but also ensures that we are ready to receive the inheritance promised to us. It's a beautiful, ongoing process of becoming more like Christ, as we navigate the complexities of life with grace and conviction.

## Claiming What is Rightfully Ours.

In this journey of faith, it's crucial to realize that God has laid out an inheritance for us that goes beyond the confines of this world. It encompasses peace, joy, provision, and an eternal connection with Him. Yet, despite this promise, many of us live as though we're destitute, unaware of the riches that await our claim. This dissonance isn't due to God withholding His blessings but often stems from our reluctance or ignorance in claiming what's rightfully ours. The process of claiming our inheritance isn't about demanding what we want in a manner of entitlement but approaching our Father with the confidence of His children, knowing He desires to give us good gifts.

- **Understand the Will**: 

Just like in the natural realm, where understanding a will is crucial to claiming an inheritance, in the spiritual realm, we need to comprehend the will of God. This means immersing ourselves in His Word, where His promises are revealed, and His will is made clear. It's through the Scriptures that we discover not just our rights but our responsibilities as heirs.

- **Exercise Your Faith**: 

Faith is the currency of the kingdom. It's through faith that we claim what has been promised to us. This involves more than just passive belief; it's an active trust in God's faithfulness, even when the circumstances suggest otherwise. Exercising faith might mean stepping out in ways that feel uncomfortable or counterintuitive, trusting that God is leading you into the fullness of your inheritance.

- **Speak and Act in Alignment**: 

Our words and actions have power, especially when they align with God's Word. Claiming our inheritance involves declaring God's promises over our lives and making choices that reflect our trust in those promises. It's about aligning our lives so wholly with God that His blessings can flow through us unimpeded. This alignment is not about perfection but direction, continually turning towards God's truth.

- **Engage in Spiritual Warfare**: 

Finally, we must recognize that there's an adversary who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. Claiming what's rightfully ours sometimes means engaging in spiritual warfare, using the authority given to us by Christ. This involves putting on the full armour of God, standing firm against the enemy's schemes, and commanding the release of our inheritance in Jesus' name. It's a battle fought not with physical weapons but with the truth, faith, salvation, and the Word of God.

Claiming what's rightfully ours is an act of faith, alignment, understanding, and sometimes, confrontation. It's a journey that requires us to be active participants, engaging with God's Word, exercising our faith, and standing firm against any opposition. As we do, we step into the fullness of our inheritance, experiencing the abundant life that Jesus came to give us. Let's embrace this journey together, encouraging each other to claim every promise and blessing that our gracious Father has laid out for us.

## Commanding the Release of Our Property.

### Commanding the Release of Our Property.

In the spiritual journey, it's common to feel as if the inheritance that's rightfully ours is just beyond reach, locked away by unseen forces. But let us not forget the authority that has been bestowed upon us. We possess the power to bind and loose, to command the release of what is rightfully ours in the spiritual realm. This isn't about sitting back and waiting for things to happen; it's about active engagement in spiritual warfare. We are called to put on the full armour of God, to stand firm against the adversary's schemes, asserting our rights as heirs to God's kingdom. Remember, our inheritance includes peace, provision, and power—realities that are ours for the taking, not just distant promises.

## In Conclusion.

As we come to the close of our exploration, it's clear that the journey from earning the wages of sin to receiving our inheritance in Christ is transformative. It's a path marked by repentance, where we turn away from our old ways and embrace a new direction. This journey requires acknowledging our inability to do it alone and welcoming the Holy Spirit's role in our lives, guiding us toward true change. Through faith and repentance, we enter a beautiful relationship with God, becoming rightful heirs to His eternal kingdom.

Receiving our inheritance is about more than just waiting; it's about being in right standing with the family of God, living out His will, and actively claiming what is ours. It involves commanding the release of our spiritual property, engaging in spiritual warfare with the authority given to us.

This path is not just about avoiding the wages of sin but about stepping into a life that's rich with the inheritance of God's kingdom—an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading. Let us walk this journey together, encouraging one another to claim what's rightfully ours. For in Christ, we have received an inheritance that transforms us from heirs of wrath to heirs of an eternal and glorious kingdom. Let's embrace this journey with faith, courage, and the assurance of His promises.

## FAQ.

### Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

**Q: What is repentance? **

A: Repentance is a heartfelt turning away from sin, marked by genuine sorrow and a resolution not to continue down a path of wrongful acts. It involves acknowledging that our actions create a barrier between us and God and committing to a life that aligns with divine principles.

**Q: Can we repent on our own? **

A: Our efforts to turn away from sin through sheer willpower are destined to fall short. It's through recognizing our inability to repent on our own that we understand the necessity of divine intervention, welcoming grace into our lives.

**Q: What role does the Holy Spirit play in our transformation? **

A: The Holy Spirit is the catalyst for our transformation, performing the miraculous work of regeneration, or being "born again." This divine act empowers us to turn away from sin and gravitate towards Christ with faith, breathing new spiritual life into us.

**Q: How are faith and repentance connected? **

A: Faith and repentance move in harmony within the process of salvation. Faith in Christ for forgiveness requires a radical change of mind about our lifestyle, which is repentance. Both are essential and inseparable aspects of embracing salvation.

**Q: What does it mean to receive an inheritance in Christ? **

A: Receiving an inheritance in Christ refers to becoming heirs to the eternal promise made possible through Jesus' sacrifice. This inheritance includes salvation, an abundant life, and a legacy that lasts forever, unlike earthly inheritances.

**Q: How do we ensure we are in right-standing with God's family? **

A: Being in right-standing involves living in fellowship with God and His people, walking in obedience and righteousness. It means aligning our lives with God's will and ensuring our actions reflect the values of the family we belong to.

**Q: How can we claim what is rightfully ours? **

A: We claim what is rightfully ours by stepping forward in faith, holding onto the promises laid out for us in God's Word. This includes claiming peace, provision, or power as tangible realities meant for us as heirs of God's kingdom.

**Q: What does it mean to command the release of our property? **

A: Commanding the release of our property involves utilizing the authority bestowed upon us to overcome any forces that try to hinder us from accessing our inheritance. It's an active engagement in spiritual warfare, using the full armour of God to stand firm against any adversary.

Through these questions and answers, we've summarized the core messages of our journey from repentance to claiming our inheritance in Christ. This endeavour is not just about turning away from sin but about embracing the fullness of what's been prepared for us as part of God's family.

Written by Pastor Graeme Foster

Apostolic Praise Centre

Apostolic Prophetic Training network